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The Knees

By Adi Andreeva

July 10, 2024

Love says “I am everything”. Wisdom says “I am nothing”.

Between the two, my life flows.

– Nisargadatta Maharaj

Honesty to oneself and the others is the very core of great growth.

A few wise words and a glimpse of “words from the gut” represent an interesting and incredibly humane author.

Read below:

Stop trying to heal yourself, fix yourself, even awaken yourself.
Let go of letting go. Stop trying to fast-forward the movie of your life, chasing futures that never seem to arrive. Instead, bow deeply to yourself as you actually are. Your pain, your sorrow, your doubts, your deepest longing, your fearful thoughts...are not mistakes, and they aren't asking to be healed.
They are asking to be held.
Here, now, lightly, in the loving arms of present awareness…

I was a spiritual teacher. I had to give up when I realized that such a thing does not exist. Or rather, everything is a spiritual master.
The cat. The carpet. The chair.
The tree. The mountain.
My father’s dementia.
The heartache.
The joy. Mine. Yours.
The man sleeping on the sidewalk.
The stunning night sky.
Everything is a teacher.
Everything is a guru.
And I'm just a voice, like all of us.
I'm just a friend who shares my heart. I'm just a bird singing its song.
I gave up being a spiritual teacher.
I renounced any kind of authority.
I became a real person. Authentic. Embodied. Honest. And true.
And there I found my true peace and enlightenment.
In the temple of the ordinary. In the sanctuary of the everyday.
In the sacred heart of the unrevealed moment.

– Jeff Foster


“What is true meditation? Being awake and alive to this one precious present moment…”


Art credit: Kirsten Titchener

Jeff Foster - British writer. Born in 1980 and completed his studies in Cambridge.

Published his first book in 2006 and this was the beginning of the series of books and talks that are found to be translated to more than 15 languages.

Jeff’s message is simple. He invites people to discover who they really are, beyond all thoughts and judgments about themselves, even in the midst of the stress and struggle of modern day living and intimate relationships.



 Life will eventually bring you
to your knees.
Either you’ll be on your knees
cursing the universe and begging for a different life,
or you’ll be brought to your knees by gratitude and awe,
deeply embracing the life that you have, too overwhelmed by the beauty of it all to stand or even speak.

Either way, they’re the same knees…


Shared with joy


Stob, Bulgaria