Wondered how to change something in your life? Here are a few simple things that could help you improve your life and lead your days to contentment.
1. Do not judge people nor speak ill of a man in his absence. He/she is also a part of the divine perfection, just as you are.
2. Smile. Always. This heals the soul and creates a setting of benevolence towards yourself and the world around you.
3. Do not take responsibility for the development of other people, for their worldview and happiness - everyone forges his own life. Everyone has their karma and personal spiritual development. Allow others to be different and go their own way.
4. Do not judge yourself and your actions from the past - without this past the present would not exist. Stop going back to past mistakes - this is a pointless waste of energy. Just don't repeat them.
5. Do not cling to anything - neither people nor things. If something is gone, then it was necessary for the universe, but most of all - for you. Your personality, your ego may hold on to something it considers vital, but your soul knows best what you need.
6. Farewell with ease. Insult is an internal conflict that gives birth to diseases of the soul and body. When you feel the insult in yourself, look at it, see where it came from - from the feeling of your own significance or from the feeling of uselessness, or from any other feeling. Send a ray of light from your heart to the person that you feel offended by and watch the insult and intolerance melt away.
7. Reduce mental chatter - it takes a lot of energy. Try to listen to your soul more often and so you will gradually get rid of the waste in your mind.
8. Be more aware of your body. Often give your body and mind the opportunity to relax and rest - then the energies will move in the right way.
9. Learn to speak less. The constant chatter wastes energy, especially when nourished and emotional. Try the following technique: when something important happens in your life, do not tell anyone, even if you are in dire need of it. Only this way you will keep in yourself the power and energy of what happened. Similarly, when someone else draws you into their story, keep calm and do not allow yourself to be drawn into other people's emotions.

10. Protect yourself from the negative. The moment you feel a negative energy or action directed at you, immediately direct the opposite way. If for instance, someone shouts at you, say a kind word; if they hate you - custom. But do it not seemingly, but consciously and from the heart. This will calm the other person. The best protection is the interior light!
11. Start doing what seems impossible to you and what you are afraid of.
The limits and restrictions in which each person is imprisoned block their strength and freedom to be themselves. At first it will seem difficult , but gradually you will find in yourself a huge potential for different activities. Start with small things, train your mind and go beyond what at first seemed impossible.
12. Do not convey your deep essence. Do not be deceived that you can be happy for l meeting someone's expectations and hopes.
You don't owe anyone anything. You are only obliged not to betray first yourself and then the other. Listen to the voice of your heart, not the hypocritical whisper of the ego.
13. Learn something new every day. Enrich your soul with new impressions, your heart - with wisdom, and your mind - with useful knowledge. Take time to read - the books have accumulated thousands of years of experience and wisdom.
14. Exclude from your environment people who pull you back, who steal from your life force. Avoid those who judge, who complain and slander. Don't go back to people you no longer have anything to do with, even if it wasn't before. Some people go with the past. Move forward! Choose the ones to communicate with carefully. Remember that you always have this freedom - to choose who you will have beside you. Only your family is given to you with birth.
15. Be honest with yourself. Do not live in self-delusion, even if this is the easier way. Remember that people are not what you imagine; the world is not what you want it to be. Look the truth in the eyes and live in reality. Do not deceive neither yourself nor the people around you.
These 15 simple truths will help you live a much more content and happy life.
Shared with joy
A. A.
Stob, Bulgaria