Live in cooperation with Nature, animals souls, expanding consciousness, oneness
One Moon long and two hours in the evening Buddha and the ‘orange’ Dog were together, in which they deepened the ‘Individual’. ….
Let me give you a brief on my own story which is probably someone elses story too ...
Once upon a time ….no, it was sooner...
The day I decided I am ready to welcome a friend.
A dog as a friend and how Mason the Great entered my life: Mason is a German shepherd dog - he actually failed at the police exams to be a working police dog and when I think back he never wanted in fact to be a police dog chasing the bad guys…. despite the fact that he had all the police training which helped us a lot when I recall our first days.
We first met at the police kennels in Cardiff and even knowing this was our first encounter, he did not mind walking alone with me and showing me around.
Clearly an honest and respectful exchange. From that moment on our journey began. And it is still going on 11 years later...
My story here is about the transformation; about the love and devotion and about why we do not have to try and go against the nature of things but flow together with it .
Mason is my german shepherd Friend - now almost 12 years old - oldie and wisey and the most loyal person I have ever met. For some of you this may sound silly or soapy but to all who know and live with a dog my story would/could sound familiar.
Yes, Dogs have incredibly vivid personalities. ( all that share their lives with dogs would agree- do you remember the White Fang and Jack London? :- )
Our story began in Cardiff ( Wales) then went through Cambridge UK and now continues in the small mountain rural village of Stob in Rila Mountain, Bulgaria near the highly energetic Pyramids of Stob( we can not stop the pack of Stob :)
Our story is about love and nature and how we humans try to change the nature of things at all costs only to find out that the Nature of all things has own ways and all we have to do is to follow the ways, not go against them nor trying to change them but to observe, learn and accept them and then all comes to a place of balance, contentment,understanding and joy.
Mason - at first he was afraid of sudden changes - no more kennels life, no more training, other dogs, no more Paul - his closest friend but….. Me and a vast Cambridge field and a new life in a house - a completely unknown environment, sudden and different and if you do a small research about the dogs you will understand how much they are connected with their routine and how much any change makes them feel insecure and cautious and forms their new behaviour patterns .
For him - the change was scary as much as it was for me - this is where we first bonded . He did a few Bad things - he attacked chickens, dogs … ( omg) - he had won himself the name - Mason the killer .
I even remember getting a muzzle and my partner calling a dog-psychologist to deal with Masons “problems”.
- Yes... Mason has won the name of a problematic dog and strangely ( or not in fact) my all being was against this label "Mason the killer dog" as I already could feel Mason`s soul and he mine .
I started reading more - I have found that the dogs are actually much more sensitive than people think they are. So I decided to rebel together with him when he decides to take an action - means I chose to believe in him for his actions (despite some of his actions were unacceptable in the human world and people's views on how a pet should behave) Yes, it costs a lot - but believe me it is worth it if you want to have a friend on your side and not only a pet.
And yes we even had a fight once - he bited and so did I - and that moment we became a pack and I became the leader ( I will tell you more about forming a pack next time when I introduce Barita - a cross breed female who came later in my dog-life story teaching us all the new emotions of dogs trust,motherhood,patience and love ) .
When I say that I became the leader it does not mean that when he is alone he is not making his own decisions. By all means exactly the opposite - when I am not around he is making the best decisions and takes the best actions to protect the place I left for him to be responsible for. . When I am around - he is absolutely aware that he does not have to make the decisions ( unless I ask him to ) as I will be the decision maker and he the one that trusts my decision and so... this is how it works in Nature - a team, a pack - trust and respect , leadership and support.
Now a very curious observation in the teachings of the humble Eastern Ortodox philosopher - Petar Danov or known in the Western World as the founder of the White Brotherhood with the name - Beinsa Duno … Beinsa Duno made a very interesting observation about the animal and human worlds and all Nature connections . He pointed to how we as humans can improve our lives and behaviours by observing and studying the animal world.
” From the dogs we can learn how deep our individuality could be, how a team works, how important trust is and above all love and loyalty are the main driving forces in the life of a dog” -
What a human can learn from this?

I leave the answer to you alone.
Meanwhile; remember , #lifeisart , #live in cooperation with Nature and make friends with all ( who and what ) we share our lives with.
“A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.” - Jack London
Stob, Bulgaria