Dates are the fruits of the date palm, also called the "tree of life".
This name is obtained because after death, this type of palm is reborn with young shoots from the roots. The name "date" palm is no accident. It comes from the legendary phoenix bird, a symbol of resurrection, rebirth, restoration and immortality.
In the Middle East, dates were such an important fruit for their wonderful taste and extraordinary effects on the body that they were considered food for the gods. Dates were even present in the folk medicine of various ancient peoples, and the date palm was mentioned in poems, as well as being often included in various paintings by artists.
Dates not only supply the body with energy, proteins and antioxidants, but they provide us with almost the complete complex of vitamins and satisfaction of hunger for hours to come.
Dates have a wonderful effect on the gastrointestinal tract and improve bowel function.
They are recommended for consumption in case of problems with diarrhea or constipation.
They are especially useful for women prone to osteoporosis. They contain high amounts of minerals that strengthen bones and improve their density. They are also recommended for children because they strengthen bones in early childhood and also in puberty.
Dates are also recommended for women suffering from heavy bleeding during their monthly cycle. During this period, a lot of iron is lost due to blood loss, and the risk of anemia increases dramatically. The concentration of iron in the composition of dates is very high, and therefore they can be a great source of the useful substance.
Besides preventing the risk of anemia these small fruits will bring us higher energy, help us against lack of concentration and memory problems.
Due to the presence of fiber, the sugars from dates will stay in the body for a longer time and thus we will be energetic throughout the whole day.
The interesting thing about dried dates is that they can be stored, even at room temperature, for a long time without affecting in any way their taste and nutritional value. Moreover, their qualities are not lost or reduced even during a whole year of storage without refrigeration.
Dates are rich in carbohydrates and most people would think that this is exactly why they are not suitable for diets, but this is actually not true. When we want to lose weight in a healthy, natural way, we don't have to starve and deprive ourselves. Some people stop eating sweets, others stop eating altogether, thus depriving their body of nutrients important for health. This is also the most common reason for the appearance of the well-known "yo-yo" effect.
If we include dates in our diet, we will fully satisfy our sweet tooth and will have no problem sticking to the diet for longer because the limiting factor will not be there.
In fact, this is also the description of superfoods - they provide significant nutritional value in a small amount of product without harming health!
It is interesting that we can use dates in the opposite case too – if we are underweight and want to gain weight. Then we can simply consume more dates every day and thanks to their calories, we will start gaining weight.
Dates are also a source of potassium, which lowers the risk of heart attack and reduces bad cholesterol, which accumulates on the inner walls of blood vessels and can cause them to become blocked.
Dates are an ideal natural brain stimulant, as they noticeably improve its functions and take care of its health. Consuming more dates each day leads to higher productivity and concentration, and easier handling of tasks. This is due to the large amount of vitamin B6.
Now that you know… a date, anyone?😉😃
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria