In this parable of life by Janet Orfanou, you will find extraordinary wisdom. It will be a great joy for me if this short story coresponds with everyone`s path in life . Here it goes:
An African king had a very good friend who liked to say in every situation, "That's good."
Once the king was on a hunt. His friend loaded the weapon, but an error occurred, and the king lost the finger of one hand in the shot.
His friend, as always, said:
- This is good.
The king was angry and replied:
"No, that's not good at all!"
You're going to jail!He immediately carried out his threat and sent his friend to prison. A year later, the king was again hunting in the jungle, but this time they were attacked by cannibals, who captured him with his entire retinue. They tied them up, started a fire and started throwing them into the cauldron one by one.
A parable about life: Everything that happens to us is for good.

A parable about life REMEMBER : Everything that happens to us is for good
When it was the king's turn, they saw that he was without a finger, and because they were superstitious and did not eat food with defects, they untied him and let him go. When he returned home, the king immediately went to his friend in prison because he felt remorse.
"You were right," he said, "it was really good that I lost my finger!"
And he told him the whole story. He finished his story with the words:
"I'm so sorry I locked you up, that was very bad of me!"
"No," said his friend, "that's good!"
- What are you talking about, how can it be good to put my friend in prison for a whole year?
- If I wasn't in prison, I would be there with you… That's why I can say that you saved my life. And that's really good! His wise friend replied with a smile.
Everything "bad" that ever happened to us has ultimately brought us to where we are now. And that's really good!
from the "Tales and Proverbs for Young and Old" by Janet Orfanou
And everything happens for our own good...Ponder on it....
Stob Bulgaria