The scam - "mental well-being, through enlightenment!" - the new fashion…but is it true? And are the “wellbeing effects” lasting?
For several thousand years, messiahs, gurus, saints, prophets and mentors, religious teachers and philosophers, therapists and healers, have been giving advice for a better and meaningful life.
I don't have the strength or the desire to count them, but millions of spiritual speculators must have accumulated.
Because the real ones are very few!
And the inflation in people's spiritual life is getting bigger and bigger.
The evidence is numerous and irrefutable, so let's ask ourselves, how can we distinguish a real mentor-therapist-healer from a fake one?
I will answer you right away.
Do not believe anyone who promises you “enlightenment” , spiritual awakening, overcoming mental and spiritual disorders, the perfections of the saints, “ unshakable” mental well-being and such nonsense.
Such totality can only be found in books and in the lies of speculators, which in recent times have multiplied like mushrooms after the rain.
And it's always about money, fools and illusions.
Sad truth - sad, but truth.
A Zen saying goes:
Blameless yogis do not enter Nirvana, and vow-breaking monks do not enter Hell!
Do not get me wrong. I do not deny the states that in different cultures and times are called: nirvana, satori, fana, kensho, sana, the metaphysical experience of agape, kenosis, hesychia...
But I am against the beliefs that they are the Highest point to which we must reach to solve mental problems.
Can you imagine a person in a state of continuous nirvana, satori, agape....?
Wouldn't you think he's a round idiot. And really isn't he?
The Buddhist believes that through meditation, he falls into nirvana, overcomes the duality of the mind, reaches perfect tranquility and supreme happiness, through union with the divine. But if millions of people decide to meditate and fall into nirvana, what will the rest of us who want to be just full human beings living here on Earth do!? What is the role of the real guru, mentor, psychotherapist!?
One only - to teach people
to distinguish the real from the wishful and the imaginary…

Look around!
Most people, throughout their lives, are almost never in psycho-emotional equilibrium.
I'm talking about achieving daily "harmony of contradictions", not experiencing "enlightenment". Yes, yes, just for daily grueling work, not for "swallowing another spiritual pill" offered by false mentors, untrained psychotherapists and lying preachers…
Here a few tips for money-free healing and improving wellbeing (no workshops needed, no therapy sessions needed either):

Did you know that when you consciously look at a tree, the liver regenerates and balances itself?
Did you know that when you consciously look at grass or flowers, your entire structure is filled with kindness and gentleness?
Did you know that when you look at the sun, the heart is purified and filled with optimism and enthusiasm?
Did you know that when you look at the ground and walk mindfully, the spleen regenerates and balances, the physical structure heals, and confidence in yourself and the life process emerges?
Did you know that when you look at the sky and breathe, the lungs heal and regenerate, depression disappears and you feel alive, really alive?
Did you know that when you look at the ocean or the sea, your kidneys heal and regenerate.
Did you know that when you look at the drops of rain or morning dew, your entire genitourinary system heals and regenerates and you increase your power to manifest what you want in life?
Nature is the only true teacher and healer if only we open ourselves to the experiences.
Life is a blessing and a joy
Shared with joy
A A.
Stob, Bulgaria
#lifeisart | #liveincooperationwithnature | #adarthome