A woman had a dream in which she came across a strange shop. Behind the counter, God stood in the place of the seller.
- OH, My God…! It's you!
- Yes, it's me – God smiled.
"And what can I buy from you?" The woman asked.
"Everything you want ..."
- Then, I would like to buy health, happiness, love, success and money. The woman asked enthusiastically.
God smiled and went inside the store. It didn’t take long before a small cardboard box was handed to the woman. - Is that all?! – she exclaimed in wonder. " Yes," replied God, " All that is given here are seeds, what you make of them is up to you?"

Karma is the Sanskrit word for "action." It is the equivalent of Newton's third law, which states that "Every action is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction."
When we think, speak or act, we evoke a force that responds accordingly. This response force can be changed and even stopped, although most people would hardly be able to do so.
One cannot avoid the consequences of one's actions, but one will suffer from them only when the moment is truly ripe.
Here is what we need to know about karmic laws.
The Great Law
- "What you sow, you will reap!" This law is also known as the "Law of Cause and Effect"
- If we want to receive Happiness, Peace, Love, Friendship, then we should be Happy, Peaceful, Loving, True Friends. (We carry the seeds we can plant to grow what we need to grow)
Law of Creation
- Life does not happen by itself, it requires our participation;
- We are one with the universe, both inside and outside;
- Everything that surrounds us is closely related to our inner state;
- Honor one self and surround oneself with what one wants to be present in life.
Law of Humility
- What we refuse to accept will continue to accompany us;
- If what we see in others is an ENEMY, or a person with mainly negative traits, then we ourselves do not focus on a higher level of existence.
Law of Growth
'Wherever I go, it will be - I; - If we want to grow spiritually, the change must come from us and in us, and not in the people, places and things in our environment;
- The only best given thing in life is ourselves and we have power only over ourselves;
- When we change our inner self, only then our life changes.
Law of Liability
- When something is wrong in my life, something is wrong in me; not outside of me.
- We reflect what surrounds us and what surrounds us reflects us. This is the Universal Truth;
- We must take responsibility for the things that happen in our lives.
Law of Connection
- Even if something we have to do seems insignificant, it is important to do it, because everything in the universe is interconnected
- Each step leads to the next and so on and so forth;
- Someone has to complete the first stage of a job in order to get to the last;
- Neither the first nor the last step is extremely important, both are needed to complete the task;
- Past-Present-Future are one Whole.
Law of FOCUS
'We can't think of two things at the same time;
- When we focus on Spiritual values, it becomes impossible to feel greed, anger, judgment.
Law of Giving and Hospitality
- If we believe that something is true, then at some point in our lives we will have to prove that it really is;
- What we claim to have learned, we must give in life practice.
Law of Here and Now
- Looking back to explore what has been prevents us from being entirely HERE AND NOW;
- Old thoughts, old patterns of behavior, old dreams, they prevent us from having an open mind for new experiences.
Law of Change
"History repeats itself until we learn the lessons, we need to change our path."
Law of Patience and Retribution
- All awards require work;
- Awards of lasting significance require patience and hard work;
- True joy comes when we do what is expected of us and expect the reward when the time comes.
Law of Significance and Inspiration
- You get what you gave;
- The true value of a thing is a direct result of the energy and intention that is invested in it;
- Every personal contribution is a contribution to the Whole; - The lack of glamorous contribution does not affect the whole, nor does it weaken it;
- Actions performed with Love give life and inspire the Whole.
When the bird is alive, it eats ants.
When the bird is dead… ants eat the bird.
Times and Circumstances may change.
We can be strong today but always have to be aware -
The Life itself is stronger than us. Therefore, if we live in cooperation with Nature and in the awareness of these Universal Laws, the seeds we plant will grow into the Life we want to live.
Simplified with joy for all that need a heart wisdom for hard times.
Stob, Bulgaria