A vegetable that probably most of us often forget. If you think of them only when you make soup or rarely add them to your baked dishes, it's time to correct that mistake.
Carrots are an extremely useful vegetable that deserves a more central place in the diet. See why.

Carrots are vegetables that have valuable taste and nutritional qualities. Carrots are known for their high content of carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in our body.
Carotene is better absorbed by the body if it is combined with fat, as it is fat-soluble. Therefore, carrots should be eaten with oil, olive oil, cream or another type of fat.
Thanks to the valuable composition, carrots have a positive effect on all systems of the human body.
Carrots are useful in the treatment of many diseases and are also used as a preventive measure.
They have a general strengthening effect, in addition, they act as a loosening, antiseptic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, pain reliever and facilitate the healing of wounds. Carrots are used for avitaminosis, anemia, colds, stomach disorders, reduction of breast milk in nursing mothers. Carrots are useful for diseases of the heart and the blood vessels, as well as for preventing kidney stones.
In case of anemia, it is recommended to drink one teacup of a mixture of carrot, beetroot and turnip juices every day. It is recommended to consume one hundred grams of grated carrots with olive oil every morning.

When breast milk is reduced, it is recommended to drink carrot juice, diluted with a little fresh milk and sweetened with honey. Drink half a glass three times a day.
Carrot juice is one of those miraculous elixirs with the help of which we can improve the general condition of the body. It has an extremely beneficial effect on vision, skin, hair and nails. Besides being extremely tasty, fresh carrot juice is a healthy source of beta-carotene, vitamin A and potassium.
It can be included in the children's menu from an early age.
Carrot juice increases immunity and controls the activity of the cardiovascular system, purifies the liver and bile, vitamin A keeps the mucous membrane of the internal organs healthy and protects the body from pathogenic microorganisms.
Carrots are not recommended though for stomach and duodenal ulcers. However, it is good to consult a specialist before you start using carrots for medicinal purposes.
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A. A.
Stob, Bulgaria