One of the herbs that has been growing in our country for centuries and that has proven medicinal properties is the alpine rose.
The plant bears this name because of its thick, juicy and water-filled leaves. In different regions of our country it is known as mountain rose, thick mara, grandmother's ear.
It has been widely used in folk medicine for many years.

Our ancestors treated skin diseases, wounds, calluses, hen's thorn with fat. In addition, fat has a favorable effect on the hormonal balance of women, cystic and tumor formations of the ovaries, uterus and breasts. It has a strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Helps with insect stings and burns.
The alpine rose is a low herbaceous plant with a glandular stem, the leaves of which are elongated and pointed with a reddish tint, and their tip is equipped with a thistle. The leaves do not fall in winter, and the plant itself is resistant to cold and heat. It grows in the months of July and August.
The juice of the leaves is a powerful blood purifier. The juice is obtained from the fresh leaves of the herb, which can be squeezed both manually and with a juicer.
Leaves or juice in combination with other natural products or substances act very favorably in skin problems.
The herb is effective in removing corns and herpes zoster. In addition, it is sought after as a remedy against burns, abrasions, insect stings, healing cuts and purulent wounds.
The alpine rose is a well-known and widely used herb in our country for decades in folk medicine and is included in the composition of various natural preparations offered by phytopharmacy.
As early as the 14th century, the alpine rose was used as an ingredient in neuralgia products, also against burns, nowadays it is most often consumed in moderate doses in the form of tincture.

The active ingredients in the herb stop the proliferation of tumor cells in the body. Therefore, often extracts or mixtures of alpine rose with other natural products are recommended as adjunctive therapy for cancer patients. A natural preparation made from alpine rose leaves and honey has a great effect on ovarian and breast cysts.
It also helps against uterine fibroids. The herb has a proven antitumor effect and after long-term use of its leaves and juice, cysts and tumor formations can be eradicated.
The plant also has a beneficial effect on normalizing the hormonal balance.
The Alpine rose in the composition of various mixtures and preparations is very effective against ovarian cysts and cystic formations in the breast.
Equal doses of 300 grams of the plant leaves and honey are mixed in a blender. After one week, the mix is taken 3 times a day ; a teaspoon - after waking up, the second one between meals and the last one before dinner.
The results are impressive as the cysts disappear after a few weeks.
For the prevention of oncological diseases, freshly squeezed juice from a celandine is recommended. Take one tablespoon three times a day before meals.
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A A.
Stob, Bulgaria