How about this? - Apricot is a fruit of 8000 years and in addition to being very pleasant to the taste, it also has many health benefits.

The first data on apricots were found in the ancient Armenian city of Shenchovit, not far from Yerevan. Apricot excavations were discovered there, which archaeologists date back to 6,000 BC.
The fruit was first mentioned 4,000 years ago in a Chinese letter. The first apricots are believed to have grown in the Hindu Kush mountains of Central Asia, where the borders of China, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan meet today. Fruits were first cultivated by the ancient Tajik nation. This was their only source of sugar, and over the centuries they have cultivated different varieties, which contain about 85% sugar when dried.
Scientists believe that the reason for the longevity of the Huns, who inhabit the highlands of northern Pakistan, is the regular consumption of apricots. All the locals, regardless of age, had perfect eyesight. No one had heard of diseases such as heart attack, hypertension, cancer and high cholesterol.
What are the real healing properties of apricots?
Think of Cardiovascular diseases, arrhythmia, hypertension and Fresh apricots…When fresh the fruit contains 305 mg% potassium, and dried - up to 1717 mg%. This makes the fruit very useful for people suffering from cardiovascular disease, especially in heart failure and arrhythmia. Fruits also lower blood pressure, as they contain high doses of magnesium. Therefore, large amounts of fresh apricots are recommended for hypertensive people. For those who suffer from arrhythmia, a puree of 5 fresh apricots mixed with 1 tsp is recommended. h. kefir. This dose should be taken within one day.

Apricot juice normalizes the acidity of the stomach and has a beneficial effect on colitis accompanied by flatulence and dysbacteriosis. The recommended dose is 70-80 ml 6-7 times a day between meals. When it is not the season for fresh fruit, the infusion of dried apricots has the same effect. It is prepared by pouring 100 g of finely chopped dried apricots with 1 liter of hot water. The mixture stays warm for 6 hours and is ready for consumption.
Apricot is the fruit with the highest calcium content - 73 mg / 100 g, which makes them an excellent tool in the prevention of osteoporosis. Recently, scientists believe that an important role in combating the reduction of bone density has the chemical element boron, which is also contained in orange fruit. It helps menopausal women maintain their estrogen levels and protects them from declining bone density.
The high content of phosphorus (21.1 mg%) and magnesium (8.3 mg%) makes apricots valuable for the active work of the brain, while calcium in fruits (23.1 mg%) is recommended for normal neuromuscular excitability. Apricots contain many vitamins from the group that protect us from depression and insomnia.The combination of phosphorus and magnesium is useful for people under active mental stress.It improves the quality of our memory.
Overall the benefits of this wonderful fruit are so many … and I personally do not miss adding it to my diet in any form - fresh, dried, juiced, in a compote or a jam. If you haven't already done so just remember that it is known for a good 8000 years and our ancestors cultivated it for a very good reason. It is always a perfect time to add it to your table.
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A. A
Stob, Bulgaria