What does autumn smell like? Roasted pumpkin and roasted chestnuts. These seasonal delights are certainly not to everyone's taste, but it's good to know what we're missing out on if we don't consume them.The aroma of roasted chestnuts is one of the most exciting in autumn, because it evokes associations with the warmth of the home, the cozy atmosphere of the winter holidays and, last but not least, the taste qualities of the roasted chestnut itself. And its pleasant taste is accompanied by many useful properties.

Here a little extra attention on the chestnuts because we often neglect them. It is important to clarify that there are dozens of species of chestnuts, but the main division is between wild and edible chestnuts.
Both have been known since ancient times for their medicinal and nutritional properties. Grated chestnuts were used to make flour, but their use gradually declined with the introduction of potatoes as an agricultural crop.
Well, today we have a variety of everything, but why add chestnuts to our daily diet in autumn?
They improve digestion
According to various studies, chestnuts contain a special substance that protects the probiotics in the intestinal microflora. In addition, they are rich in fiber, which helps us process food and protects us from constipation.
They contain antioxidants
It is increasingly fashionable to talk about foods that protect the body's cells from oxidative stress. At least because it is known that it makes cells more susceptible to oncological diseases.
Well, chestnuts are also high in antioxidants that protect us from free radicals. Their consumption is recommended especially for the prevention of skin cancer.
They are a great choice for people who use a great amount of physical energy and are recommended for gastrointestinal disorders. If you suffer from varicose veins, you can also turn to the useful chestnuts for help - they strengthen the walls of venous vessels.
Healthy teeth and bones
We all know that dental and bone health are inextricably linked. What works for one works for the other. Calcium and phosphorus are two minerals that are essential for bone health because they make up a major part of them. Apart from them, however, in order to perform their functions optimally, bones also need magnesium. Magnesium is involved in the formation of tooth enamel and protects bones from degeneration and destruction. Chestnuts provide calcium, phosphorus and magnesium together.
Chestnuts are an important component of a vegetarian diet. They contain substances useful for the body such as potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, iron.
Chestnuts can be part not only of folk medicine, but also of the useful winter table.
Chestnut fruits have a very pleasant taste, they are nutritious and are eaten boiled or roasted. Chestnut seeds are used for the prevention of varicose veins, as well as for stomach disorders.
The most popular way to prepare chestnuts is by roasting them over hot coals, but they are also added to soups, breads and risottos, used as stuffing for poultry, made into sauces and desserts.
Roasted chestnuts are most easily prepared by lightly cutting off the top of each chestnut and then roasting them in the oven for fifteen minutes. Before consumption, they are peeled and served with melted butter.
For the preparation of other dishes, the chestnuts are cleaned, and for this purpose the skin is split slightly and the chestnuts are boiled in boiling water. Not only the skin is removed, but also the inner brown stuffing, as it is bitter in taste.
Chestnut puree is suitable for poultry sauce. Pre-cleaned chestnuts are boiled in broth for fifteen minutes, mashed, salt, a little liquid cream, butter and nutmeg are added to enrich the taste.
But the tastiest, in my opinion, are the roasted chestnuts
1. An important rule for roasting chestnuts is that they should be pierced. Place the nut on a towel and cut a slit in the shape of a cross - missing a hole will result in flying chestnuts tapping on your oven glass. (A bread knife does a perfect job - you only need very light pressure, the prongs make mini holes/
2. Place the chestnuts in a pan with the split side up.
3. Bake in an oven at 190 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
4. In addition to the hard skin, we also remove the thin skin of the chestnut and they are ready for consumption.
It is also easy and nice and nice and easy to prepare boiled chestnuts. For this purpose, the well-cleaned chestnuts are split from the top with a sharp knife, poured with water and boiled for about 5-10 minutes after the water starts boiling. It is important not to overdo the cooking time, because the more you cook them, the harder and crumblier the chestnuts become!

If desired, after boiling and peeling the chestnuts, you can make sweet chestnuts. This is done by tossing the chestnuts with some lightly caramelized sugar in the butter and letting them soak up the glaze. Or you can simply pour honey on the boiled chestnuts and enjoy the autumn deliciousness.
If you still haven't tried the rich taste of the chestnuts, do not wait long. Try it now.
A highly recommended deliciousness for your autumn days.
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Stob, Bulgaria