As we age, many health problems appear, such as high cholesterol and hypertension. Because of this, people start taking pills, which lasts a lifetime. All these labs and pharmacies are getting rich at our expense, but now it all comes to an end, because we are going to show you the best way to fight cholesterol and high blood pressure in just 7 days. All these diseases appear with age due to the poor eating habits and fast-paced lifestyle we had when we were younger. Fortunately, there are home remedies that can help solve these problems.
The traditional remedies that are made with these simple ingredients have gained great popularity all over the world and in fact their effect has been confirmed through scientific research.
It is a very simple combination of ginger, garlic, vinegar, honey and lemon and is a remedy that has been used in the past to treat so many body inconveniences like high cholesterol and high blood pressure. It is a very effective remedy because apart from taking care of those aspects already mentioned, it also strengthens your immune system in an amazing way.

The preparation of this natural remedy is very simple and each of the ingredients can be bought in the supermarket,the local community markets or any herbal shop.
What do we need for our home-made remedy:
• A glass of lemon juice (125 ml)
• ½ cup ginger juice (125 ml)
• 10 cloves of garlic
• 1 cup apple cider vinegar (250 ml)
• 1 cup honey (340 grams)
How to prepare our remedy:
In a bowl, mix half a cup of lemon juice and half a cup of ginger juice. Add 10 cloves of chopped garlic and mix everything in a blender. Add a cup of apple cider vinegar and then a cup of honey.
Finally, pour the mixture into a glass jar and leave it in the refrigerator for at least 5 days before you start consuming the product.
To use this simple but powerful remedy as a preventive measure, dissolve two tablespoons of the mixture in a glass of warm water, in your herbal tea or your morning glass of fruit juice. If you want to drink a second dose a day, do it in the evening an hour after dinner.
You will notice that after a few weeks your blood pressure and triglycerides will naturally adjust without pills.
Why is this medicine mixture so useful?
Few people know that these ingredients have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help prevent and treat health problems such as: arthritis, asthma, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gas, indigestion, headaches, circulatory and heart problems, hemorrhoids, skin problems such as acne, toothache, obesity, ulcers.

Thanks to the high nutritional value of the mixture, it is also considered an elixir of longevity, because it protects us from many of the "killers" that can attack the body and lead to serious health problems.
Together with moderate body exercises and bright thoughts the use of this simple mixture can definitely do wonders for your daily lives.
Try it out and you will not regret it.
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria