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Cold or Hot: Water Healing

By Adi Andreeva

November 29, 2023


But with a cold or a flu - THE WAY IS DIFFERENT.

THE TEACHER: We have some man here, he has a cold and I tell him: "Drink warm water - you will be fine." He says: "I drank warm water, the cold does not go away."

"Tell me how you drank the water."

He took a glass of warm water and drank it in half an hour. That's not how you drink hot water. I'll tell you how. I sat down with him and made him drink six glasses of warm water in half an hour. After drinking six glasses of hot water, the reaction came immediately: he sweated and the cold passed. Not one glass to drink in half an hour, but six glasses in half an hour! This heat from the water must pass into and through your body. (20.06.1943 , Religious and spiritual people)

Why do we drink water?

Every self-respecting person at least once in their life was interested in the secrets of youth, purification, weight loss...

And in only one thing, official and non-traditional medicine are of the same opinion - water must be drunk. But how, when and what water - everyone has their own opinion…

Today, thousands of people already know the secret of hot water and rejuvenate themselves. Teacher P.Deunov in Bulgaria introduced the drinking of hot water since the beginning of the last century, and the revivalist Dr. Petar Beron has been treating people with it in Europe since the middle of the 18th century. He also invented a device for painless childbirth, he has a bunch of other inventions. What can happen to your skin if you drink hot water every day?

There's no doubt that staying hydrated is critical to your health, but most people don't know that drinking warm water can offer some extraordinary benefits for the body and skin.

In fact, medical experts say that water is most beneficial when drunk warm, and the ideal temperature is somewhere between 49 and 60 degrees Celsius.

Considering how much money we spend on expensive beauty treatments, we don't give enough credit to something as simple as drinking water the right way.

1. It clears the skin. 

Warm water can help detoxify the body. Since drinking warm water causes the body temperature to rise, it makes you sweat. This, in turn, helps to get rid of toxins and makes it easier for your digestive organs to eliminate impurities. Cleansing your body from the inside removes acne and makes the skin healthy and glowing.

2. Prevents premature aging.

In addition to giving rashes, toxins can speed up the aging of the skin and cause dark circles and puffy bags under the eyes. Drinking warm water helps repair skin cells that have been damaged by harmful free radicals and makes the skin look smoother and plumper.

3. Protects the scalp from itching and dandruff. Warm water keeps the scalp hydrated, which means you're less likely to get dandruff. When the scalp is healthy and moist, it keeps hair shiny, supple and soft. As an added bonus, water activates the nerve endings at the roots of the hair, which encourages new hair growth.

4. Brightens the skin.

Drinking warm water regularly helps the body break down fat, relaxes muscles and improves blood flow. Increased circulation rejuvenates skin cells and keeps them nourished. It provides working skin cells with oxygen and eliminates waste products, revitalizing and renewing your skin.

5. Helps us get the most benefits of our body.

Because gut problems prevent us from getting enough vitamins and nutrients from food, it can keep the skin from looking its best and make existing skin conditions worse.

A glass of warm water will keep our gut happy and help the skin get all the nutrients it needs to stay younger for longer.

6. Hydrates your skin.

No matter how expensive your moisturizer is, if you use one, it can never keep your skin wrinkle-free if you don't drink enough water. Something as simple as drinking warm water every day can help even out your skin tone, reduce puffiness and tighten your skin.

7. Protects the skin from infections. 

Drinking a glass of warm water protects the kidneys and helps fight inflammation. When all the organs are clean, the skin is less vulnerable to infection. For better results, sometimes add a few drops of lemon juice.

Well, whether you drink mainly cold or hot water from now on is up to you.

Shared with joy


Stob, Bulgaria