"The pursuit of happiness cannot be the highest human ideal!

Anyone who sets such a goal is eventually an emotionally incomplete person.
Happiness is born from unhappiness, joy from sorrow, pleasure from suffering.
If you are able to accept with calmness, at the same time, all the polyphony of contradictory states that will inevitably come upon you, only then will you be able to enjoy your days.
Do not forget, not for a moment …
The noble contentment and quiet joy of the gift of "life" you have received is beyond happiness and unhappiness.
Emotionally incomplete people strive for happiness without realizing that this very pursuit is what makes them unhappy. Fact.
To be perfectly happy is to be dead, not happening.
Not being aware of the problem that you are only here-and-now.

Therefore, it is precisely the unconscious fear of death that is paradoxical because of their condition.
The enlightened few, who do not seek happiness, rejoice not only in what they have, but also in what they do not have.
Because it's what they don't have that makes them who they are.
They do not convey much importance to happiness and unhappiness.
And every smallest, even insignificant detail of their daily happenings in the world, gives them the opportunity to experience the sweet feeling of being alive.
Death is not a problem! Death has never been a problem.
At its core, life is a problem. To live means to create, to be created and to solve problems."
– Zensufi
From Sermons to the Seekers of Fana, full moon - year 2142
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria