In our folk medicine Dandelion is used very widely. Herbalists recommend its use in diseasessuch as atherosclerosis, inflammatory processes in the kidneys and liver, as well as stones inthe gallbladder and kidneys, cholecystitis, gastritis with low acidity, cirrhosis of the liver.

My grandmother always advised us to take it for poor appetite, poisoning and various joint diseases. Thus, the dandelion has always been present in our menu in spring and winter. In the spring the dandelion is picked, salads are prepared, and in the winter we eat dandelion honey and drink tea from the flowers and roots.
Sunny elixir for longevity and children's health
This is my favorite way to collect dandelion flowers. They have the most needed vitamins early in the spring. Early in the morning you should pick the flowering inflorescences of the dandelion and immediately put in a three-littre jar. A layer of flowers then a layer of sugar. When the jar is half full, carefully close it and keep in the sun until all the sugar has melted and turned into an elixir - a brown extract, a little bitter but pleasant to the taste.
Add 1 teaspoon to tea or other beverages, but it is best to eat it-one teaspoon a day can work wonders.

To cleanse the liver: 200 dandelion flowers are washed, pour a liter of water and simmer for 25 minutes. Cool and strain the flowers. Add 1 kg of sugar and cook on low heat until thickened.Take 2 times a day morning and evening, adding 1 teaspoon in a glass of water. If the liver is heavily contaminated, you may have pain in the gallbladder.
Rheumatism. Dandelion flowers are crushed, add the same amount of sugar, stir. Refrigerate for a week and a half. A liquid consistency is formed. Take one tablespoon one hour before a meal once a day.
Early spring dandelion juice (from the leaves) is very useful. The leaves are washed well, left for 20-30 minutes in concentrated salt solution, rinsed again with cold water, boiled in hot water necessarily, grind and filtered through a thick cloth, diluted with water 1: 1 and boiled for 2-3 minutes. Take a quarter cup 20 minutes before meals 2 times a day.
Overall this wonderful grass, given to us by nature, will save you from many diseases! I hope these few recipes will help you to start using the great benefits of Dandelion especially in the spring. Great healing and health for you!
Shared with joy
A. A.
Stob, Bulgaria