Today is a beautiful day!

Looking for an inspiration or how to be kind to the mind? - add to the day a small collection of the most insightful thoughts of the man, who is not only a talented writer, but also a man who - like us - has gone through difficult times - Gabriel Garcia Marquez - If for any reason you feel a bit low or confused here read the following lines.
"The heart eliminates the bad memories and increases the good ones. It is thanks to this ability that we are able to withstand the hardships of the past."
"Rest assured. The Lord is waiting for you at the door."
"I don't wear a hat because I don't want to take it off anyone's head."
"Crazy people stop being crazy once we accept their arguments."
"Don't let yourself die without experiencing this miracle - sleeping with a person you love."
"No medicine can cure what happiness can cure."
"In family life, it's much easier to avoid a catastrophe than annoying little things."
"No, I'm not rich. I'm a poor guy with money. And it's not the same."
"You have to listen to the voice of the child you once were and who still exists somewhere inside you. If we listen to the child within us, our eyes will shine again. If we don't lose touch with that child, it is impossible to break our connection to life. "
"Stay calm. It's harder to die than you think."
"Good old age is the ability to come to comforting terms with your loneliness."
"Smile, don't grand pleasure to Unhappiness."
"Everyone wants to live on the top of the mountain without knowing that true happiness lies in the way you climb the steep slope."
"If a woman is involved in something, I know that everything will be fine. It is perfectly clear to me that women make the world."
"Inspiration only comes with the work."
"Everything is alive. You just have to be able to awaken its soul."
"If you meet your true love, it will never leave you - not in a week, not in a month, not in a year."
"Man is not born once and for all on the day he is born. Life forces him again and again, many times to be born again."
"No madman is mad if you listen to his arguments."
"Why is it necessary to lose so many words to explain what a person feels at war, when only one word is enough - fear."
"We are surrounded by unusual, fantastic things, and writers persistently tell us about unimportant, everyday events."
"A wonderful quality is the ability to think about the past with joy, without grief and remorse."
"Knowledge and wisdom come to us when we no longer need them."
"There is no one who deserves your tears, and one who deserves them does not make you cry."
"Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want to, doesn't mean they don't love you with their whole being."
"Get better and make sure you're who you are before you meet someone and hope they know who you are."
...Imagine that there is a bank that charges $ 86,400 into your account every day. The rest is not transferred to the next day. Every night, employees delete what you failed to spend. What would you do? You will use everything to the penny, of course!
Each of us has such a bank. The Bank`s name is TIME. We have 86,400 seconds available each morning. Every night, what we failed to invest in good deeds is erased without a trace.
A new account is opened for us every day. And every night it closes. If we fail to use the deposit from the day, the loss is at our expense. There is no chance to get back what we lost. There is no way to transfer it for tomorrow. So the best thing for us is to live in the present with what is given to us today. We better invest it so that we enjoy health, happiness and meaning.
The clock is ticking.
Make your day as good as possible!
Stob, Bulgaria