The common goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea), or golden branch, or goldenrod, is a herbal plant, the height of which can be from 0.3 to 1 m. Weakly leafy, branched only at the top, it may have a reddish hue. The rhizome is basic, woody and short. The leaves are pointed, oval, toothed at the edges; located in the lower part of the stem - on stalks, in the central part and in the upper part - sessile and smaller, each top of the plant with several baskets consisting of small bright yellow flowers.
We in Bulgaria are privileged to have a pharmacy on every corner. But not the kind of pharmacy with the shiny ads and plastic packaging. A pharmacy from those times, as from a time ago, in which you have to serve yourself, bend down, smell the aroma of the leaf or the flower, tear it off with your own hand, and then prepare the "pill" for the ailment yourself.
There are countless recipes in our folk medicine and in the traditions of treatment with herbs, their collection, storage, use. But that's not what we're going to talk about, but how to grow pure Canadian goldenrod herb in your personal herb or ornamental garden.
Now is the time to get your hands on this "Golden" treasure!

The Goldenrod likes sunny places with fertile and moist soil, but in the end it can be satisfied with conditions that are far from optimal. Naturally, any additional care will make the plant more beautiful, but it is not necessary to try very hard. Tall varieties often need support.
The herb will not be dangerous to your garden if you prevent the seeds from spreading freely in time. In other words, if you pick and dry the flowering stalks, you'll both have a useful herb and save your garden from chaos.
Like any other plant, goldenrod is attacked by diseases and enemies. The most terrible disease for this plant of all diseases is the manta. Infected plants cannot be used for treatment . If in your area plants often suffer from blight, it is better not to grow it.
Insects love it too. Beneficials, as it turned out, are attracted to its nectar and pollen. More interestingly, it is a great indicator plant for any insects. The yellow color attracts not only them, but also the whitefly and other enemies (it is no coincidence that most sticky traps are yellow). Well, the Goldenrod can also be useful for the vegetable garden.And one tip - if you want to enjoy beautifully colored dried flowers, cut off the stems before the flowers have opened. In the process of drying, they will open, but will not rebloom. If you're late, you'll get tons of fluff and no flowers. Depending on how the herb is taken, this condition can also be beneficial.
Goldenrod is a medicinal plant used since ancient times. Today, the herb has been thoroughly studied and successfully used in inflammatory conditions of the urinary system. In Germany and other European countries, products based on goldenrod are registered as medicinal products due to their good efficacy and safety.
Our folk medicine recommends the Goldenrod for liver diseases, involuntary urination, enlarged prostate gland, strong and prolonged menstruation, chronic skin diseases, purulent wounds and boils (in the form of a poultice of fresh leaves).
The herb has also a diuretic effect, helps with sick kidneys and problems with the urinary tract. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. In folk medicine, it is used for problems with bile, rheumatism and gout. Works for skin problems. When chewed, the flowers release a juice that is good for a sore throat. Benefits for toothache, stinging, chest pain are not proven.
The herb as a medical product is used as an infusion or as a powder distributed in starch capsules.

The decoction is prepared from 30 g of dry flowers and 700 g of boiling water. It is left to soak for 20 minutes.
Before we start taking it, we should filter the flower from the water. Then we can divide it into 100ml doses and drink 6 times a day, 15 minutes before or 30 minutes after eating.
Of course before you start using the Goldenrod for any treatment, it is best to consult with a specialist .
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A. A
Stob, Bulgaria