If you look at what you have in your life, you will always have more. If you look at what you don'thave, you will never have enough.

Because there is no poorer than the one who does not appreciate the achieved, but constantlydaydreams about the unattainable. It's like filling a well with a sieve.Yes, it is normal that sometimes we are not happy with the things we have and long for more. It happens that we get carried away by the thought that the accumulation of things will give us happiness in life. However, the reality is different and everyone comes to this truth at one moment.
It is very important that we do not expect too much from our lives. In case we cannot achieve our goals, this should not crush us. We can always get happiness from the little things, as long as we "program" ourselves that way. Remember that thoughts should serve you, not vice versa - you should serve them.

You will honestly say that:" I can never be satisfied with my life and it will be done."There are always moments like this, when everything seems to you to be meaningless. It is important to make sure such thoughts are met on time and we make the decision to oppose them. If I do not do it, I will be entangled in a web of negative thoughts and I will lose some of my self-confidence.
The basis of Justice is Gratitude. And gratitude is what allows us to grow and be content with our lives. If we ask for gratitude for everything we have, we will feel both forgiving and pleased.
The mind does not distinguish between positive and negative thoughts, it simply works with the one we are thinking about. It does not matter to the mind what we think. It matters to us what is happening to us, it matters to whether we will succeed or break, but it does not matter to the mind so let's remember this and chose our thoughts and needs consciously and be grateful for all we chose to be our life.
Shared with joy A. A Stob, Bulgaria