Great things are always simple.
We can't think of God as something or someone complicated, can we?In addition, great things must be accessible to all. Otherwise they are not great.
To find them, it is enough to start from the beginning and learn to understand ourselves.
Great things are always simple. Inner simplicity constitutes the greatness of man.And if someone asks me, "In the name of what do you praise human greatness, balance, and true energy?", I will answer, "In the name of order, that is, of good."
Many people are thirsty to listen to adventure stories. They run and bump into cinemas and elsewhere...But they rarely think about the person who took the adventure, and do not wonder what the stories want to tell us about him. So the majority seems to see only the outside and everything becomes meaningless.
If people manage to free themselves from their inner brakes and impurities, fears and introversion, they will change. And if people start to change, everything will change!

The solution is very simple! That is why it is difficult to apply. Because in order to change a person, he must begin to see his problems.
Many people are as they are, but in ten years they will remain the same. Nothing can be taken away, nothing can be added… Don't they deserve something better?
We can learn a lesson from anything.
Nothing can be deduced from human inertia. Only inertia arises from inertia, just as nothing comes from the unconscious except unconscious actions.
It is said that happiness means finding your own place. Absolutely true.
But have we ever wondered if we are in our place as people who need to think, educate others and influence the world?
They also say that the art of being human has disappeared. Why is that?
Human capabilities are the same today as they were ten thousand years ago. One has the same tool, but how many times have one been taught to use it well?
Education in itself is not important. Until people learn to take life as a whole, education will remain dry and worthless.

Has all the education in the world helped a person not to feel torn inside, full of contradictions and fears?
Instead of contributing to the differences between the people, the upbringing should emphasize the similarities between us .Otherwise, life will continue to be a series of conflicts and sufferings… There is no point in doubting too much or cursing life. To be able to" fight" I have to see my opponent. Otherwise, I was defeated in advance.If I am strong, if I am balanced, my adaptation to the outside world will be a child's play for me.
This is called internal success.
In case of failure, I will have a familiar and visible opponent, an opponent whom I will try to make even stronger. And so I will find that often this opponent is none other than myself…
We all start somewhere in search of simplicity, why not start here and now? 🙂
“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.”
- Albert Camus
Shared with joy A. A Stob, Bulgariaia