The best definition I have heard of truth is shared subjectivity.
The subjectivity shared by many people becomes something that we then call truth.
So the goal, the idea, is to get closer to something that most accurately depicts what is happening …how do we do this, how do we get closer to this goal? With more knowledge?
I don't want to strain anyone, I don't want to guide anyone. I don't think I should “wake” anyone up. When the time comes, he will “wake up” - the man, the group, the society…
Lots of body parts have visual twins in the cosmos, neurons and stars are so closely related visually it's hard to ignore the resemblance. It is like looking at identical twins.

Nowadays with even more curious discoveries, we live in very interesting times and even more revealing times are ahead of us all …It is particularly fascinating how the ”human machine” works.
Here's an article for everyone who is gifted with the curiosity for more “revelations” that give more light on how a “decision” is made:
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria