" Even if you cure another person's disease, you cannot save his fate," say the ancient sages.

It happens that someone complains about their elderly mother, who constantly "interfered in my private life" and "commanded everything " or about "bad" spouses and partners, about pampered or nervous children. Desperate about their problems, people go to seek outside help - from a friend, a doctor, a saint or even a judge.
People are used to relying on others without thinking objectively about the reasons that give rise to all these problems.
Realistically, relationships between people are so complex and subtle that even the best judge and doctor cannot fully resolve them.
The doctor can help the patient to recover from the disease at the moment, but he cannot significantly change his destiny. Although a doctor, a wise teacher or a good friend can give an impetus to change one's destiny and life, one must actively take care of oneself.
It doesn't really matter how much someone is talked to, no matter how many books he reads…
If he does not practically deal with his own health and development, he will not make real progress and will not be able to improve his life.
Therefore, the secret of health and harmonious development consists in comprehensive thinking, objective attitude and observance of natural principles and through active practice of methods of maintaining one's own health, which will expand his thinking and stimulate his spiritual improvement.
The reason for the deterioration of relations with others lies mainly in the insufficient understanding of the natural order in the relations between people and the lack of knowledge of The natural laws.

Unfortunately, many people are used to seeing things from their own point of view and from their own interests and preferences. However, they do not always correspond to objective principles in Nature.
Relationships in the family, between friends, at work and in society obey a natural order in which everyone takes their place.
Young people should respect their elders, and they, in turn, should take care of the healthy development of the younger ones.
When everyone helps each other and thinks not only of their own needs, but also of those and other people, life will go much easier. It is enough to look at things holistically and cover the issue from all its sides, and the right approach to solving the issues will be found. When they have a holistic mindset, people will understand where the problem in the relationship comes from - whether it is the result of improper upbringing, fundamental differences in thinking, or simply due to subjectivity and personal, self-centered interests…
In fact, not someone else, but the people themselves should be able to deal with their so-called problems. And again it is good to remember "Even if you cure another's disease, you cannot save his fate,"
Shared with joy
A. A
Stob, Bulgaria