If you are one of those people who prefers to put on a movie or lie on the sofa with a good book instead of going out with noisy company, then you are certainly a special person.

All this may seem strange to most people, but you value rest better than anyone else and enjoy the world around you.
According to scientists, people who like to be alone have these 6 amazing qualities:
They are extremely devoted.
They may not be in the limelight and spend their time in noisy companies, but rest assured that you can count on them.
These are people who hardly let anyone into their lives, don't get me wrong,they have loads of acquaintances but once they accept someone as a friend, they will be devoted to him for life and always ready to lend a hand.
Surprise! They are open to new ideas and challenges.

As long as you don't spur them on, rest assured that they'll be happy to go on an adventure with you.
They know what they want.
Unlike most, these people know exactly what they need. They have a highly developed sense and have a high level of self-awareness, which helps them maintain their inner balance.
Therefore, most often you can see them calm, balanced, smiling, in harmony with themselves and with the world (not always though).
Instead of letting stress take over their minds, they simply indulge in their own time and pace.
They are not afraid of their thoughts.
Have you ever been afraid of your thoughts, tried to fight them, chase them away? Especially at night before you go to sleep?
People who like to be alone are in control of their thoughts and are not afraid of them. They know how to tame and tame their own thoughts.
They value Time. Yours and their time too. Equally.
Just think about how often you use or hear the word "time" in your daily life...
The most valuable resource today is time. Always out of time, always in a hurry, always procrastinating.
People who are introverts value their own time and that of the people around them. At least they wouldn't make you wait for an appointment…
If you give your time to them, they will definitely return the gesture.
They know how to appreciate life as it is.
So-called Introverts have and make plenty of time to think about things in life. They develop skills to sift the important from the unimportant, to value what they have, to be humble and grateful.
And… Yes, it can be helpful to learn from them…if not all at least something… Then observe how our lives change…
Shared with joy
A. A.
Stob, Bulgaria