How to protect our energy...
And why protect our energy?

It is very important to protect oneself energetically when coming into contact with low frequency energies and not only in public places or around sick or angry people… energy intentions travel faster than you would think…
To protect oneself and the ones we love it is enough to imagine, see or feel that we are surrounded by light in any color of our choice.
Every morning is a good thing to start the day with protection.
This is how we will save ourselves from energy attacks, from the bad thoughts and intentions of people directed at us from someone’s malice or envy.
People with lower energy than ours can unknowingly start to draw on our field and then we soon feel tired and drained, we get headaches, etc.
To save ourselves a few troubles, at the beginning of each day, energy protection is a good thing and it takes no more than 1-2 minutes.

Here are a few colors you can choose for a protective shield depending on the situation:
White Light:
Good protection against criminals and physical attacks. It attracts more divine strength.
Pink light:
The pink shield protects against negative energies.
It is useful in situations where we are surrounded by negative people, grumblers and gossipers, as only love can penetrate through it.
By surrounding with pink light, we radiate love to oneself and to everyone around you. (Rose quartz is a wonderful protective image to describe the projection of the shield)
Violet Light:
Psychic protection. Protects against energy attacks and entities. The shield of VIOLET light carries the energy of the Violet Flame for change and transformation.
Violet light protects against negativity, draws Divine guidance to the being, while simultaneously raising our spiritual vibrations.
With a shield of violet light, negativity around will be transformed into light, and lower vibrational energies, entities and negativity in all its forms, including psychic attacks, will be repelled, and if too close, dissolved in the light of the Divine.
The Green Light:
Physical Healing Shield. We often use it on sick or injured people. Surrounding ourselves with a green shield of light helps purify our beings with Divine healing energy, healing and enhancing our body's physical powers in a way that will serve us best.
The BLUE light shield will calm every energy if we are feeling stressed or overwhelmed by the energies or people around us. It can also help us gather our thoughts and clearly show us the truth in the very moment of communication with others. Because the Blue is calming and soothing, it's a great shield to work with during sleep or if we are feeling anxious, overly emotional, or heated.
The shield of light with the colors of the RAINBOW envelopes in all shades of Divine light.
It helps to enhance healing and spiritual abilities while keeping our existing energy unharmed, loving and protected.
The SILVER light shield is a wonderful protection when we go to a busy public place or are about to be among many people.
Inside the silver light we will feel safe, uplifted and protected, and all the negativity that surrounds us will be neutralized and effortlessly sent away. The silver light also helps to enhance intuition and heal imbalances or instabilities in our present energy.
The shield of GOLD light works well to increase confidence, creativity and spiritual inspiration.
Gold carries incredibly high vibrations and this color of light creates a wonderful outer shell that can be used in combination with any of the other color light shields.
The best thing about the light protection is that we don't have to choose just one color! And we can protect not only one body!
We are free to visualize a multi-layered shield of light around us, or simply ask to be surrounded with that shield of light that we need most at that particular moment.
These simple techniques are mostly for sensitive individuals who tend to absorb the energy around them.
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria