"…The only problem with sadness, despair, anger, hopelessness, anxiety, intense pain, unhappiness is that you want to get rid of them.
That's the only obstacle.
You will have to live with them. You can't just run away. They are precisely the situation in which life must be integrated and grow.
They are the challenges of life.

If you want to escape from them, if you want to somehow get rid of them, then a problem will arise, because if you want to get rid of something, you never look directly at it.
And then things start to be hidden from you because you are judgmental; then the thing goes deeper and deeper into the unconscious, hiding in the darkest corner of your being where you cannot find it.
It goes to the core of your being and hides there.
And of course, the deeper it goes, the more problems it creates, because then it starts operating from an unknown corner of your being and you are completely helpless.
So the first thing is:
Never suppress. The first thing is: whatever the case is, that's the case.
Receive whatever it is and let it come - let it stand before you.
In fact, simply saying "Do not suppress" is not enough.
If you'll let me, I prefer to say, "Befriend."
Are you feeling sad?
Befriend it, have compassion for it. Allow the sadness, embrace the sadness, sit with your sadness, even hold hands. Be in love with your sadness if you will.
Sadness is beautiful!
There is nothing wrong with it. Who told you there was anything wrong with being sad for whatever reason?
In reality, only sadness gives you depth.
Laughter is shallow; Happiness doesn't go deeper than your skin.
Sadness goes to your very bones though to your marrow.
Nothing goes as deep as sadness.
So don't worry. Stay with it and the sadness will take you to your innermost self.
You will be able to get down with the sadness and you will learn things about yourself that you never knew before…
The One who can patiently be sad will suddenly find that one morning happiness has begun to well up in his heart from some unknown source…
This unknown source is the Divine…"
– Osho: The Art of Dying
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Stob, Bulgaria

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