Whoever eats an “earth apple” as we call it or the more popular name of it - Jerusalem artichokes regularly, they purify their blood, liver and kidneys, as the Jerusalem artichokes have the ability to remove various impurities and heavy metals from the body.
(Photo by A A - earth apples picked today from my own garden, the wonderful thing is they can last in the ground until December and this is just what we need, they give us crispy freshness and the best known immune support in the winter)
Folk medicine uses the “earth apple” mainly to treat ischemic heart disease, tachycardia, hypertension.
It is also used for gastrointestinal problems, obesity, anemia, kidney stones, cystitis, atherosclerosis, tuberculosis, pancreatitis.
Raw or cooked, the healing tuber strengthens our immunity, removes toxins and heavy metals from the body, reduces cholesterol, protects against heart attack and stroke.
An infusion of the earth apple in wine has been used by the old healers to treat heart disease. (Home produced wine is the the best one to use without chemicals and preservatives)
A porridge of earth apple is applied externally for polyarthritis and rheumatism, for eczema, psoriasis and burns.
The delicious earth apple supplies the body with: vitamins B1, B2, C, carotene, pectin, proteins, amino acids, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, iron…
The little-known to many people Jerusalem artichokes are able to remove all harmful toxins and poisonous substances from the body.
A tincture can be prepared in several ways. The first way is the well-known one - with water - a spoonful of the drug poured into a glass of water…but no…the better one ⬇️
The tincture can be prepared with (organic) wine.
For a period of fifteen to twenty days, about 150-200 grams of the Jerusalem artichokes (roots) are soaked in half a liter of wine.
This is followed by filtration of the extract and leaving it standing for another two or three days before starting to be consumed for the purpose of treatment.
After this period, repeated filtration follows. The dose in which it should be taken is fifteen drops. It is necessary to take at least three times during the day, the last one must be taken an hour or two before going to bed.
The treatment lasts for ten days, and the infused amount is divided into four equal parts, each of which needs to be swallowed half an hour before meals.
Jerusalem artichokes salad:
The combination with tomato, onion, apple, oregano and olive oil is a real feast for the senses.
Be adventurous and prepare a delicious salad using two or three Jerusalem artichokes, one tomato and an apple and season with oregano and olive oil. Another level awesomeness… Thank me later.
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria