Cover Art: Painting by Tomasz Alen Kopera
Man's unhappiness (physical, mental or other) more than often is due to the fact that, through his indisposition, he stops the benefits that come from the Invisible World.
And then diseases sometimes come as a method of treatment… (as absurd as it may sound)
So illness or pain in their essence are not a punishment, neither a challenge, nor karma but an incentive, an inciting reason for learning, reason that makes a person throw away everything impure from himself.
An interesting thing is that:
If a person feels that you love them, you can transform them and work as a transmitter of health.
This is why most of the great healers always say - the best medicine known is the love of the mother.
If you are sick and you don't have strength or clear vision for the future, the best thing you can do is : to look for a healthy person who lives with God in their heart and has a great love for you.
Every Healthy person who lives in harmony with God's (universal) Laws and Truths can heal another person.
How many of the current healers can cure a needy person by just holding their hand?
Only that healer who is absolutely healthy and connected to God can do this.
A vital, magnetic force emanates from such people.
If the “patient” is treated with such a “medicine LaVida”, he recovers very soon.
What do we see today?
Sick doctors cure sick people;
Sick and confused people who have not solved their own questions teach healthy people…
Afterwards, both wonder why they are not ascending
In healthy “enlightenment "
It is impossible for the sick to cure the sick, nor for the ignorant to enlighten the ignorant.
It is impossible for a person who has not resolved the important questions of his life himself to enlighten others.
But it is possible and it is an essential necessity to:
Pray for one another:
It is a law: when one man prays earnestly, all the people with whom he is in harmony pray with him.
You cannot make a person pray for you if he is not in harmony with you.
Prayer is a divine act.
As my heart engages my Spirit, then my soul engages all those people who are in harmony with me.
Sometimes the prayer of one righteous person is able to bring good to thousands of souls and remove thousands of miseries.
When we don't feel well, we think: "Somewhere, someone feels good."
When we are well, however, we rarely say to ourselves: "Somebody is sick somewhere." – Vasily Shukshin
This is one very important thing that we need to work on.
This pattern is so very common- we as humans react, without even noticing exactly the same way, all the same and all the time in our daily life…
By repeatedly doing the same thing though there is not a lesson learned in the divine realm.
If we continue to move in the same old pattern…
Here they come- the choices- the personal choices.
So choose wisely from the wisdom of your heart- who can truly help you heal your need or pain in the days to come and who you can or have the ability to help heal.
And keep in mind both are equally important and live together each moment 🙏 be truthful to yourself and the others. This is where the true divine “LaVida” energy works.
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria