The most important benefits of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) for human health include its ability to relieve stress, improve mood, promote restful sleep, reduce skin irritation, protect against infections, reduce inflammation, reduce inflammation, eliminate dandruff and soothe bloating. The aroma and taste of the lavender are also wonderful, which is why it is used in many countries as a culinary spice, but the bonus comes from its wide range of health benefits.
Lavender... No one passes it indifferently. Lavender has been known as an aromatic plant since ancient times. Aromatic and unpretentious, lavender (Lavandula) is a beautiful flower and herb with recognized qualities. Its name comes from the Latin word lava, which means washing, because the ancient Romans added the flowers of this plant in their bathtubs for its freshness and pleasant smell. Lavender originates from the Mediterranean region. As a wild plant, it is found in southern France, the coastal Alps, eastern Spain, Italy and North Africa.

If you regularly struggle with insomnia, apnea or restlessness, it can negatively affect your life indeed. But…
By boiling a few lavender flowers in hot water, you can make a wonderful tea that has been used to induce sleep and relaxation for thousands of years. This is closely related to the effect of flowers on the nervous system and can also help you clear your mind of negative thoughts. Lavender is often used in meditation techniques and its essential oils are used in aromatherapy.
Everyone is looking for a reliable way to relax the body and mind, and lavender takes care of both. If you add this flower to the bath and have a good soaking, its anti-inflammatory ingredients can help reduce skin inflammation on the body. The antioxidant properties of lavender are also quite powerful and this is one of the most reliable applications of the plant.
An easy way to always take care of your skin is to have a bottle of lavender spray with you. When your skin feels dry or irritated, just spray on the area and enjoy the quick relief that the spray provides. It also works for chronic diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and acne. Although many people turn to lavender for relaxation and aromatherapy applications, its effect on the treatment of skin infections is impressive. Many people apply crushed lavender leaves and / or buds to wounds and injuries to quickly heal wounds and prevent infections.
The relaxing properties of lavender, which come from its organic compounds and antioxidants, also help the heart by lowering blood pressure and relieving pressure on blood vessels. This can prevent atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular problems, reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Lavender can also prevent the development of harmful bacteria and the accumulation of gas in the intestines. This will relieve stomach discomfort, reduce bloating and eliminate cramps. Chewing leaves or drinking tea can be quite effective in such cases.
Here how you can get the best of this wonderful plant :
You can always add a pinch of the little flowers to a spoonful of honey or sprinkle the cake for a little more charm and extra goodness or
Saute two tablespoons of lavender flowers with 600 ml of boiling water. Drink half an hour before meals, the recommended dose is 100 ml. Do not drink this infusion in the evening, because it has a strong tonic effect.
Place a handful of lavender in a jar and pour enough pure alcohol to cover the lavender. Close the jar with the lid and Leave to stand in the sun for 45 days, then strain. The resulting solution is applied to painful areas especially affected by osteoarthritis.

Isn't it wonderful to lavender our body essential needs …🙂
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Stob, Bulgaria