In some places … some people place little everyday reminders for better balance in their days.
Here - let's share a few humble teachings of Buddhism on human relationships:

- Don't feel bad because some people only think about you when they need you.
Feel privileged that you are the candle in their mind that shines when their mind gets in the dark. - There will always be someone in your life who doesn't treat you well. Thank him because his behaviors make you wiser and stronger.
- If someone treats you badly, remember: Something is in the root of his behavior, sadness, pain , rejection... Healthy and joyful people don't treat each other badly.
- When something hurts you, listen with patience.
Life is trying to teach you something. - There are three solutions to every problem:
Accept, change, or let go.
If you can't accept it, change it.
If you can't change it, let it go. - Let people judge you.
Let them get you wrong.
Let them gossip.
What they think of you is none of your business.
Their understanding and opinion is their own until changed. And it is changing very often.
So stay kind, love steadfastly and be a free person, never doubt your worth and the beauty of the truth you have inside of you. - No matter how educated, talented, cool or rich you think you are, the way you treat others ultimately says everything about you. Honesty is everything.'
- The less you engage with what people think of you, the happier you will be.
- Silence is the best response to someone who doesn't value your words.
- If you think that everything is someone else's fault, you will suffer a lot.
Then when you understand that everything starts with you, and just then you will eventually find peace and joy. - Where there is no respect, for sure there is no love.
- Relationships never die a natural death. Overly great egoes, rejection and bad attitude kill them.

Shared with joy
Stob , Bulgaria