Gratitude gives a person the strength to endure all adversity in life, no matter how great it is:
When we are grateful, with gratitude we cover our shortcomings, adversity and bear them more easily.
The law of the Good is as follows:
If you give thanks for the little Good, the great Good will come; if you give thanks for the great Good, even greater will come.
The law of evil is the opposite:
If you give thanks for the little evil, less evil comes; if you do not give thanks for the little evil, greater evil will come.
When you give thanks for the Good, it grows. When you thank the suffering, it goes away.
When you do not give thanks for the Good, it goes away. When you do not give thanks for suffering, it stays and grows. These are the four laws of Nature.
Be happy with the little one. If you have a grain of wheat or a matchstick, be happy with them too. One grain of wheat can produce 30, 60 or 100 grains.With a match you can light a large fire to warm yourself and cook food for many people. - What to do with a grain of wheat? "Sow it in the ground." - What to do with a match? "Light a fire."
Whoever thinks correctly, puts the stick where the fire is easily ignited.
To help the burning, he blows. Thus it brings in more air and intensifies the combustion. Blowing fire implies directing the thought where something valuable can be acquired.
If you are unhappy with yourself, can you expect other people to be happy with you?You are dissatisfied with yourself - you cooked a bad meal. If you are unhappy with your eating, other people will not be happy either. The measure of things is man himself.
Who is happy with his thoughts, and his loved ones will be happy. Whoever is not happy with himself, the whole world to convince him that he is a genius, he will not agree with them.
All people are geniuses, but mainly in one respect - in their mistakes.
Everyone is a genius when he breaks and spoils things. Who hasn't broken a plate? Everyone is a genius at this. However, when it is said to make a new plate, the one was not a genius. It is time for people to start working consciously, to show their genius.
Three things are necessary for a person: right thought, right feelings and right speech. Once he acquires these things, he becomes happy.
Therefore, one who wants to be happy must first learn to speak well, then to think and feel right.
Right thought strengthens memory, strengthens health. The same is achieved with the right feelings and the right speech.No one can be happy if his thoughts, feelings and speech are not right.
Right thought, right feeling and right speech are a science that is achieved through hard work.
It will be studied for centuries and millennia, and something unscientific will remain.
As pleasant as it is to eat, so pleasant it is to study the science of right thought, right feeling, and right speech.
What is the task of the modern man (understand human)?
The task of each person is to create a head that is a good conductor of light; to create a heart that is a good conductor of warmth; to create a body that will be a good conductor of the good forces in the nature.
Everyone needs a bright mind, a warm heart and a healthy body.
In order to be "born again" or "renew" the self , one must do everything with Love.
"Why?" - Because only Love straightens things.
When you love, you know how to act. Whatever you give, you will give with Love. If you bear fruit, you will give the best you have.
If you say a thought, it will be the best you have. If you give a feeling, it will be the best. Who will not thank for the best that is given to him?
What people expect from life, they cannot have without love. Love is the alchemical stone. It is the Love that opens all doors.
So, if you want to stand up, to achieve your desires: Put love as the basis of your life.
Love is long-suffering, does not envy, does not seek its own, is not irritated, etc.
Some people want to acquire these qualities of life without love. It is impossible.
First of all, one must place Love as the basis of one's life. Love must flow into life as a great condition, and then Life will come with all its qualities that we want to develop in ourselves.
Then and only then everything in our lives will go easily, normally and without contradictions.
Choose wisely ...
Choose Love!

Art works by Paulina Jones - Norfolk Art - Energy Healer and Artist
Stob, Bulgaria