Maria Treben (1907–1991) is a famous name among the pioneers of herbal medicine.
Even as a child, she knew many of the medicinal herbs. Her mother is a fan of Kneipp medicine, based on hydrotherapy and plant remedies, and Maria adopts Pastor Kneipp's creed: "For every pain there is an herb."
After her mother's death in 1961, Maria Treben shared how she felt something irresistibly push her toward the science of herbs, as if some higher power was guiding her. Since then, she has gained a lot of experience, passed on her knowledge to many people, and helped the sick and suffering.
In addition to the world bestseller "Health from God's Pharmacy", she also wrote a number of books on the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Maria Treben's recipes set the highest standard in the presentation.
For her, the herbs give exceptional therapeutic effects, and when dosed in the right way, they give the desired result every time, and the advantage is that they can be used almost constantly (with little periods of rest)
One of her favorite, most valuable recipes is that of the Swedish honey - a herbal extract of 11 herbs - mipa, aloe, saffron, camphor, motherwort, turmeric, Venetian and more. To this day, the ingredients remain a protected secret.
According to the world-famous expert, one of the most useful green herb-vegetables is Nettle, in various forms - fresh, dried, with dry red peppers and in the form of tea.
Maria Treben used it every day. She advised that it is good to drink nettle tea even a few times a day or use it in soups and salads to keep fit and healthy.
Her most popular remedy is calendula cream. Most people who use homemade herbal remedies know that it helps with almost every skin problem.
The recipe in its original form is the leaves, stem and flower of the orange flower, and lard. Of course there are certain important points in the preparation of the cream. Firstly the picking of the flowers. Then the particular lard and the melting of it , then the cleansing of the lard with cold water and just after that the real mixing of the cream.
If you are interested in learning more, Health through God's Pharmacy is one of the best guides in learning more about the herbs and their uses every day.
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Stob, Bulgaria