"Love is a powerful force through which everything exists in the universe. Love is a force that affects the whole world: everything that is done for it has the force of a world law."

Elena Roerich (February 12, 1879 – October 5, 1955) was a famous Russian philosopher, writer and public figure. In the first years of the 20th century, she created, in collaboration with the Masters of the East, the philosophical teaching of Living Ethics ("Agni Yoga").
Together with her husband, she participated in expeditions to hard-to-reach and scarcely explored regions of Central Asia (1924 – 1928). She is the founding president emeritus of the Uruswati Himalayan Research Institute in India and co-author of the Treaty for the Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historical Monuments (Roerich Pact). Elena Roerich is the wife of the painter Nikolai Roerich, mother of the orientalist Yuri Roerich and the artist Svetoslav Roerich.
There are moments when you just stop - to expect, to pursue, to seek, to chase, to want. You let everything go and accept everything as it happens. You don't wonder if you're wrong and where you're wrong. You don't fill your head with unnecessary puzzles. Whatever needs to happen will happen. Whoever has to be here is here. Whoever has to come will come. You go your own way and you don't look back. It is simple and easy. Everything happens at the right time and in the right place. Neither earlier nor later than when you are ready.
This is why if you read this now, it means that you are ready to embrace a few selected thoughts of this incredibly inspirational woman that definitely will enrich your life and expand your knowledge.
"Just love everything, that's how evil can be defeated. Carry love wherever you go and you will find out for yourself how it will help you in everything.
Be pure and let love flow from you as fragrance flows from flowers.
Make a firm and unwavering decision to become an expression of love and willingness to help wherever you can do so.
May your life be a ray of joy for others.
Search in your heart for the diamond that you can place in the treasury of the common good.
If you have more knowledge than your friends, do not be blindly proud of it, do not show superiority, but share the knowledge if it would be expedient at that moment.
Remember that every minute of your life has its meaning. Try to understand it.

If you have difficulties in choosing a job or profession, seek advice from more experienced people in this field. Beware of idle minutes. Laziness can make a nest out of them. Hours and days can be made up of idle minutes to serve for the fulfillment of man's task in this life, which is many-sided and interesting. From judiciously spent minutes can be woven a true and beautiful structure of the soul.
Therefore, try to decorate every minute of your life with work, knowledge or pure thought.
Let hard work be your joy and let the fire of creativity not go out but light your way.
Try to have absolutely pure thoughts, think more about what you can do to improve people's lives and relieve their suffering. Nature is full of sacred and pure gifts. May your soul be a crystal clear vessel for receiving these gifts.
Become a ray of light and get out of the world of empty dreams, use your energy to constantly climb up.
May your soul always radiate light and kindness, warmth and compassion, courage and desire to help your neighbor. Then you will feel the difficult things become easier and the dark shell of suffering become snow white with pure radiant joy.
Be careful and lenient in your decisions about people because we ourselves are very imperfect. But be hard on yourself and work tirelessly to fix your own shortcomings. There are many trials ahead in your life. Only through them will you possess untold riches. But you will be able to successfully pass these tests if you are armed with prudence, perseverance and self-belief.
If you fail in an activity, don't be discouraged. Discouragement will only weaken your strength and slow down your inner growth. It is better to collect your strength and think: what wiser way out is there for further actions. This is how you will increase your resilience and multiply your strength. Every failure and bitter experience becomes a valuable lesson that will serve as your guide in the future.
Every obstacle in your path tells you that you need to evolve in order to be fully prepared for further struggle. But in the struggle we must always remember the good of our neighbor.
Beware of buying your well-being at the expense of others' suffering. Such welfare is ugly and unstable. Learn how to spend your energy carefully and wisely. Make your body strong, powerful and healthy.
But do not burden your body with more food than is necessary, do not burden your body with anything that is harmful to health. Learn the laws, not only for a spiritual, but also for proper physical development. Your body is an instrument that must be communicated with wisely. In this way, you will long-lastingly pass through the storm of life on the path of tireless work for the assimilation of the natural forces and health."
Selected thoughts from "The Three Keys"
Shared with joy
A. A.
Stob, Bulgaria