People spend so much time protecting the unreal, defending the meaningless, grasping for realities that they don't actually understand…
Sometimes they devote their entire lives to these distractions and diversions …
Meanwhile, that which is real awaits for them with bateless breath, not remotely interested in anything inauthentic.
We are only here for a moment in time and when we are present to every “real” trice in the river of time is what we experience as “life”

“Sometimes everything hits you all at once. You lose a relationship, change jobs, old friends go and new ones come. It’s up one day and down the next. You have it all together on Monday and by Thursday you don’t have a clue. Life is one big wave and all we can do is flow, grow, and adapt.” - and it seems easier for some people to flow and more difficult for others for the same reason - when illusions and realities clash…
Everyone knows this:
Our experiences cannot always be controlled.
But somehow we don't act like we understand this truth.
We try so desperately to manipulate and control our lives, to make creativity a game to be won, to shortcut our way to success because others have done it, to fight our emotions and insecurities or to dive in imagination and create other “invincible” worlds.
And the more we do this, the more it seems like a true thing to us which later on, very often and quite suddenly, turns out not to be true in the future present reality.

Then we tend to feel like this “journey chapter” just happened for such and such a reason…
Funny, how the mind can create illusions and forget to admit and distinguish the feeling that every breath is actually the future turned into past…
You cannot outwit the flow of your life. You just can't.
But if you are willing you can witness with awareness and learn…
The Light travels with quite a speed…The speed of light in vacuum, commonly denoted c, is a universal physical constant that is exactly equal to 299,792,458 meters per second.
According to the special theory of relativity, c is the upper limit for the speed at which conventional matter or energy can travel through space.
The funny thing is that it is only “ visible” if it hits an object that can reflect it.
The Moon doesn't shine…it reflects…
The diamond doesn't shine…it reflects…
Life itself in the dot of Time …. Reflects…and harmonizes existences…
Shared with joy
A A.
Stob, Bulgaria

Image Credit: Robert Richter