A healthy heart means a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to understand the huge importance of cardiovascular function, because here we usually underestimate the situation. This is because even a minor blockage of the arteries can lead to major health consequences, even at a young age.

Sometimes small blockages (plaques) build up in the blood vessels. They develop when cholesterol sticks to the artery wall. Our immune system, sensing a problem, will send white blood cells to attack the cholesterol. This sets off a chain reaction that leads to inflammation. In the worst case scenario, it can cause a heart attack.
There's really no need to invest in an expensive cleansing diet or buy tons of detox supplements to keep your blood and blood vessels clear and free of toxins and plaque.
Your kidneys and liver generally do a great job of cleaning your blood by removing and breaking down plaque. So, your best bet for natural blood purification is to find ways to help these essential organs function most efficiently.
How to cleanse our blood vessels with water:
Without a doubt, the best way to improve our kidney function is to drink enough water. Our kidneys depend on water, which helps to a great extent in removing waste from the body. Water also helps keep our blood vessels open so blood can move freely. Severe dehydration can lead to kidney damage.
Adequate water intake will be different for everyone. The general rule of thumb is eight glasses of water a day, but you may need more if you engage in more vigorous exercise or if you weigh more. Men generally need more water than women.

How to cleanse blood vessels with appropriate herbs:
Let's take a look at some of the best and most suitable herbs with which we will largely clean the blood vessels at home:
Green tea:
Studies show that drinking green tea can improve liver health, reduce fatty deposits in the liver, and most likely protect from liver cancer. The greatest benefits are seen in people who drink at least 4 glasses a day.
Rosella is a type of hibiscus with a cranberry flavor. Also known as Hibiscus sabdarifa, Karkade or Sudan Rose, this bushy plant is very valuable in cleansing the arteries.
It has been shown to have diuretic effects on the body and can aid kidney filtration. Hibiscus is available as a tea. If you are lucky enough to grow this flower in your own home garden, you can add its petals and beautiful leaves to your salads.
Dandelion acts as a diuretic, meaning it increases the amount of water that moves through your kidneys. This in turn helps filter waste from the blood. Numerous recent studies have shown that dandelion can benefit liver function.
The best way to enjoy dandelion is to make a tea using its leaves, flowers or roots.
Also let's not forget to:
• Make exercise part of your regular routine. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days a week. Be physically active;
• Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption to no more than one drink per day;
• Include more whole grains, which contain soluble fiber and thus help lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Then we can have healthy blood vessels for as long as possible.🙂👍
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria