Plum - it is such an ancient plant that its traces are found in Neolithic archeological monuments. The plum is one of the first fruits that man began to grow, along with olives, grapes and figs. Having said this, I need to mention here at Adart Home we have five beautiful plum trees that give all the plums we could ask for 😊.
What are plums good for?

Prunes are a great source of nutrients and have more than one or two health and beauty benefits.
Prunes contain a lot of dietary fiber, vitamins A, C and K and have very few calories (only 46 calories per 100 grams). The high content of vitamin C in prunes helps the body fight infections, inflammation and free radicals. Prunes are good for the eyes and eyesight, as they help maintain the good condition of the eye membranes.
Different studies have linked the consumption of prunes to the prevention of certain cancers, such as breast cancer and lung cancer. They help to maintain the heart health and the high content of antioxidants helps eliminate free radicals and lowers cholesterol. Prunes also are a natural laxative. They support the proper absorption of iron, help to get rid of toxins from the body and thus help to lose weight naturally, and protect against macular degeneration.
They have a low glycemic index, so they are a great food for diabetics, as they help regulate blood sugar levels. Strengthen the immune system and protect against colds and infections. The famous Vitamin E and beta carotene in the prunes protect the skin from aging - help reduce wrinkles ( just incredible for the ladies bright looks isn’t it😊 )
Prunes have a diuretic and purifying effect, so they are often included in detoxification regimens. Dried fruits create a feeling of satiety and reduces the need for food.
It is a super helper against obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular pathologies. Although very sweet, prunes do not cause a significant increase in blood glucose and postprandial insulin. In general, plums are safe fruits. If you are healthy.
Note the following contraindications:
For people prone to diarrhea or in such a state, eating plums, whether fresh or dried, is not recommended. The plum will intensify the pain and make the situation worse;
For people with kidney disease, plums are harmful. They contain oxalates, which can cause kidney stones. For the same reason, the fruit is not a good choice for those who already have kidney stones. They should use prunes very rarely;
In case of calcium deficiency, osteoporosis - in some people oxalates reduce the absorption of calcium.
What can be made from plums?
Plum is very useful canned. It is not necessary to use fresh. Can be processed into compote, jam. The plum brandy is also famous for its qualities and I can promise you, it disappears with the speed or the Light 😊.
The cooled plum compote is a wonderful refreshing drink for the summer. We can cook it and serve immediately.
- 1 kg of fruit
- 2 liters of water
- 1 tsp. sugar
We wash the fruit and remove the stones. Boil the water in a bowl and then release the fruit cut into small pieces. Boil for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and add the sugar. Stir until melted. Ready!
Plum jam:
Ingredients: 3 kg of fruit, 2 kg of sugar.
We wash the fruits and separate the stalks and stones. Sprinkle the sliced fruit with the sugar to release more juice. Leave them for 12 hours, stirring periodically. The idea is for all the pieces to be dipped in the syrup. After the time has elapsed, put the jam on the stove and bring to the boil. Boil at a moderate level for 5 minutes. Remove the foam… let it cool and enjoy the taste.
Plums for brandy:
Brandy is not made from waste plums, but only from nice, healthy fruits. Plums were once poured to ferment in wooden barrels, and now - in cans. The vessel is filled quickly, in a few days, to allow even fermentation. It does not overflow. Pour 10-30 liters of water per 100 kg of fruit. If we hurry, mash the plums and heat the water - these are ways to speed up the fermentation process. If the plums are heated, they are ready in about 2 weeks. It remains to boil. ( Of course you need to have the equipment to do this, luckily here in our village we have the so called KAZAN – where we take the fermented plums and the alchemic of the KAZAN boils them into the famous delicious plum brandy 😉 )
Roasted prunes:
- 1 kg of fruit
- 200 g of sugar
- 100 g of walnuts
- 100 ml of water
- 2 tbsp. flour
We clean and halve the plums. Pour walnuts and sugar, a pinch of flour on top. At the bottom of the tray put the water and bake at 200 ° C. It will take about 50 minutes.
Now you are fully knowledgeable, try it at home and you wont regret the results. They are always delicious.
Shared with Joy
A. A.
Stob, Bulgaria