The pomegranate is a mystical fruit known to us since the Bible, a symbol of fertility. According to legends, it grew in the Gardens of Paradise and has been used in folk medicine for thousands of years. This is a true miracle of nature. In recent times, it has been declared one of the group of "super-fruits" that successfully affect the symptoms of many diseases.
It is also called "granatum", from Latin "grain". There is also a precious stone called Garnet, with a similar scarlet-red color.
The pomegranate is made up of hundreds of small seeds with a beautiful red color and a unique taste and freshness. Its homeland is considered to be Persia or Afghanistan. There is hardly a person who has tried pomegranate and is not a big fan of it.

The beneficial properties of pomegranate are countless. Its consumption has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular diseases (lowers cholesterol), has a diuretic and pain-relieving effect, reduces blood flow. Another of its positive qualities is that sour pomegranate juice can be consumed even by diabetics! A tea can be made from the bark to help you with cough, sore throat, pneumonia, anemia, fevers. Taken regularly, pomegranate reduces the risk of cancer
A rich source of vitamins C, B-group, P and a little vitamin A and the minerals potassium, copper, manganese, chromium, silicon, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron in quantities important for the good functioning of the body. Pomegranate is the most powerful natural antiseptic and antioxidant, which at the same time protects from aging.
It has a proven nourishing and whitening effect on the skin, stimulates hair growth and strengthens nails. It rejuvenates the skin by years and this is due to regular consumption of the delicious red juice. This is a convenient and "tasty" cosmetic!
The specificity of sweet and sour pomegranate juice allows it to be included in both dessert and salad recipes. Which allows us to run wild in the kitchen and make a vitamin-rich pomegranate menu for the whole family.
We also should know that pomegranate juice is consumed diluted with water or other juice, due to the high acidity that can irritate the stomach. It is most pleasant to eat, combined with an orange. Freshly prepared in this way the juice has an extremely mild taste and a creamy consistency and of course it is incredibly good for the body.

The best way to use the pomegranate is raw and fresh just after removing the bark skin of the fruit.
Here are a few tasty options to add to our daily diet:
• In creams and jellies
• to muesli and oats or other nuts
• in sauces for dishes
• sprinkled on the salad
• juice (must be diluted with another fruit or water)
• with yogurt
Enjoy and stay healthy!
Shared with joy
A. A.
Stob, Bulgaria