Savory is a small green plant that belongs to the mint family. The leafy parts and flowers of the plant are used to flavor various foods. It is found mainly in the Mediterranean region, but also everywhere in the world. There are two types of savory - summer and winter.
The summer one is used more often than the winter one, but both have a mixed taste between thyme, marjoram and mint, and can be a great addition to a variety of foods, both hot and cold. Summer savory (Satureja hortensis) has a milder flavor than winter savory.
The aroma of winter savory (Satureja montana) has notes of sage and pine. It is the harder of the two plants and can be grown in higher mountain areas (hence its name "montana", which means "mountain").
This spice can be used almost anywhere in cooking, giving a truly unique flavor to various dishes.
You just have to be aware of the fact that savory can be surprisingly strong, so you don't need to overdo it to get the desired results.
Depending on the dishes, dried leaves of the spice or fresh ones can be used. It is very easy to grow in our climate, so it won't be difficult to find it in both variants.
From casseroles to meats, beans to stews, savory can add rich flavor to many different dishes.
While summer savory is often paired with lighter foods and winter savory with heavier foods, both should have a mandatory place in your kitchen.
Savory has numerous properties such as improving gastrointestinal function, strengthening the immune system and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Savory is rich in antioxidant compounds such as vitamin C and polyphenolic flavonoids, which eliminate the damage caused by free radicals in the body.
They are the main cause of colon cancer, prostate cancer, etc.
Therefore, consumption of the spice can reduce the risk of developing these diseases.
The spice contains many vitamins that help improve the immune system. Vitamin C in this plant increases white blood cells. Therefore, it strengthens the immune system. The results of many studies show that consumption of the spice can reduce the risk of various diseases such as cold, cough and flu.
Savory is also very rich in vital minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, which is very beneficial for the bones. Regular consumption of the spice helps prevent various types of bone-related disease.
Savory tea

The traditional way to make a healing savory tea is to add 2 teaspoons of dried savory to 250 ml of boiling water and wait 10-15 minutes for it to infuse. Then strain and drink while still warm.
Especially for lowering blood pressure or for nausea and vomiting, you can make a more concentrated tea by adding 3 tablespoons to a liter of water and drinking a little throughout the day - 100 ml every 2-3 hours. Additionally, this drink will get rid of headaches and insomnia.
And now it's time for tea! Be healthy!
Shared with joy
A. A.
Stob, Bulgaria