Nowadays, people talk more and listen less.
And how much we would achieve if, at least for a while, we stopped chattering and kept quiet…
There is nothing boring or disturbing about silence. In fact, it is a kind of means by which even ancient people managed to restore their internal balance, recharge themselves with new forces and even cure some diseases. It is no accident that vows of silence are so prevalent in religions and philosophies.

Of course, you don't have to be a religious person to benefit from the power of this ritual. It is enough to be conscious in your actions and believe yourself in the miraculous powers of silence. This is how healing rituals dedicated to silence are carried out. There are two options, the first one is suitable for people with a busier daily life.
1. Complete silence is kept for at least 3 hours a day for a month;
2. In the second option, you can remain silent for 4 full consecutive days.
Whichever option you choose, it's important to follow a few simple rules. While keeping silence, you must have given yourself up to complete solitude.
Turn off all appliances at home that can distract you. Be alone with your thoughts and try to tune in to a positive wave. Don't think about the problems of the outside world.
Invoke a sense of joy and enjoy the sunshine and tranquility. Relax and breathe deeply and rhythmically. Imagine how the air passing through your body heals every diseased organ.
You will feel better soon. It is said that silence has incredible power and purifies not only the body but also bad karma. Try it, especially if you suffer from stress, depression, paranoia, ulcers, migraines, insomnia, respiratory diseases.
Talkativeness is gradually becoming a new kind of disease because it is becoming more and more common.
People waste their energy in vain, which is necessary for the energy exchange with the different levels of the universe. In ancient scriptures, breath is called prana - life. Breathing is the link that connects the body to the heart and soul. When the soul leaves the body, it can no longer be used.
Talking is a disturbance of breathing. When a person talks, they breathe more than normal.
From the first moment of our appearance in the world, it is clear how many breaths we are destined to live, but we do not know it. You have to be careful because every word you say has its own weight. In India from ancient times there were mystics who called themselves munis.
They never spoke to anyone and lived much longer than other people, and according to their traditions, their age sometimes exceeded three hundred years.
When we are not talking, our breathing is normal, it is not interrupted.
In this day and age, conversations mean so much to us that if we are alone even for a moment, we pick up the phone to chat with friends. Many people talk to themselves when no one is around.
They just don't know that silence is relaxing for the mind and body, it's inspiring and it has healing powers.
Here a very good old Cherokee story about how Men grow in silence:

The Cherokee Indians have a very special ritual by which children become adults.
When the boy begins his adolescence, his father takes him to the forest, blindfolds him and leaves, leaving him alone. The young man is obliged to sit on a log all night without removing the bandage from his eyes until the sun's rays rise again at dawn. He cannot ask anyone for help. But after surviving that night, he is now a man. This is a personal experience and the young man is not allowed to comment or talk about his experience with the other boys. At night, of course, the young man is terrified. He hears all kinds of sounds: wild beasts roaming around him, wolves howling... or maybe even a human who might harm him.
He listens to the wind and the rustling of the grass, but he must sit stoically on the log without removing the blindfold, because only then can he become a man before the elders of his tribe. Finally, after the terrible night, the sun appears and the boy removes the bandage from his eyes... then …the boy finds his father sitting next to him. His father does not leave him for a moment, watching the whole night in silence, ready to protect his son from any danger, without the child realizing it.
And a little but useful thing for everyone's well being:
Try and Avoid conversations that you only have to kill time. They do only lessen your breaths and do not add to your growth.
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria