And If you direct your thoughts in a positive direction, you will see how it will move you in everything. (When we do things with joy we can feel a river moving inside us)
To thank the universe for making your wishes come true, you have to love someone. If there is no one to love, take a pebble and keep it in your pocket and thank it often.

Art by A.A(Adart)
Think about how often your wishes come true? The universe, which takes our emotions as a request, is responsible for their fulfillment.
Our thoughts are alive, the universe fixes them and fulfills energy impulses that are sent to it. The thing is, however, that the universe does not understand concepts like "yes" or "no", it does not distinguish between what is fear and what is joy. For the universe, everything depends on how much energy we put into our thoughts.
The strength of our internal culture, not sizes and resources, determines our ability to adapt to change, overcome adversity and be a vehicle for any innovation.
When the conditions are good, when there is a strong safety circle that is felt by all, then everyone does the best they can. Then we work the way we were created to. Then We make efforts together and evolve…
Oxytocin is most people's favorite substance. It carries the feeling of friendship, love or sincere trust, as well as the feeling of being in the company of our closest friends or trusted colleagues. It is also responsible for the feeling we get when we do something good for someone or someone does something good for us – the warmth and peace, for the feeling we get when we hold hands in a circle and sing a song together. But oxytocin doesn't just make us feel good. It is vital to our survival instincts.
Without it, we wouldn't be making any kind or generous gestures. There would be no empathy. We wouldn't be able to build strong bonds of trust and friendship, and without all of that, there would be no one to rely on to protect us.
Without it, we wouldn't have a partner to raise our children with. We wouldn't even love our children.
Thanks to it, we trust other people to help us build our lives, to do something complicated or to support us when we are having difficulties. Oxytocin is the reason we feel connected to the people and the world, and it makes us social.
The longer we spend time with a person, the more we come to accept that we might be vulnerable in their presence. As we learn to trust this person and receive his/her trust in return, we release more and more oxytocin. Over time, we find that we have developed a deep connection with this person.
As much as we like to stand out and think of ourselves as individuals, we are essentially herd animals, biologically designed to find peace when we feel a sense of belonging to a group. Our brains are programmed to release oxytocin when we are among our tribe and cortisol, the anxiety substance, when we are alone and vulnerable…
Even just seeing or hearing about an act of humanity and generosity inspires us to do the same.

Art by Juliette Bryant
Oxytocin makes us good. The more good we do, the more we want to do. This is the scientific explanation of the "Pass on" phenomenon. Oxytocin is also released during physical contact. The warm feeling that comes over us when we hug a loved one for a few seconds - that's oxytocin. Thanks to it, we enjoy holding hands, and all the small children seem to constantly want to touch and hug their mothers…
Mother Nature wants those who give to others to survive and pass on their genes. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why oxytocin helps us live longer. A person who is good to others is good to the whole.
Thanks to oxytocin, even just knowing that our friends and family are nearby, just the picture of the people we love and who love us, makes us feel good and not alone. And when that happens, we try to do everything in our power to help them feel the same way…
To thank the universe for making your wishes come true, you have to love someone. If there is no one to love, take a pebble and keep it in your pocket and thank it often.🙂🙏🙂
Shared with joy
A. A
Stob, Bulgaria