The “Sun people” are the ones who warm and illuminate you. You go to them of your own free will, as one goes to a sunny meadow, attracted by their rays... You can always leave them, and if you come back, it's simply because you remember their warmth. Contact with them usually calms, fixes a bad mood, fills with energy and ideas. Not that you can't get addicted to them, but it's usually rare.
These people, sometimes even without understanding, spread strength and serenity around them.
It's a blessing to have such people by your side… Each one of the “Sun people” is sent to enlighten the life of the many … to inject the joy of Life in many souls…

Painting by Alexandra Babik
Excerpt from an interview with Pablo Picasso:
"- Why are you dancing?
- No reason, I'm just dancing.
- An artist who dances?
- Yes... or a dancer who paints. As you prefer.
- How long have you been dancing?
- I've always danced.
- What do you think about while you dance?
- I don't think , sorry.
- What do you hear?
- Love.
- Love?
- Yes, yes.
- But why?
- There is no "why" in love.
- Do you hear anything else?
- Life.
- In what sense?
- Some, only a few, do what they came to this world to do. They live. The others survive. He who dances lives.
- Is dancing an essential activity?
- And breathing?
Did I answer the question?
- But this choice has a price.
- To dance? To have.
- Is that price
- It does not matter.
- Did you pay the price?
- I'm still paying it.
- You must be dancing for someone…
- Not just for someone or for any reason. You dance because you were born to dance, just as you paint because your paintings already exist in you, you only materialize them. It's the same with dance, it moves you from within. If you don't express it, it's able to... I don't even know.
The ant does its work without asking questions, the birds fly without wondering, the fish swim... people, some kill, others prefer to do what they were born to do: I dance, paint, love.
- Do you dance all the time?
- Only when I feel love.
- And when do you feel love?
- When I dance."
Born in Málaga , October 25 1881
Why is Picasso considered a painting genius?
I think one of the most amazing skills that made him special is that he could break down a subject into its core elements, removing what wasn't necessary, and focusing on what mattered, in a very efficient manner.
Here are a few memorable quotes of Picasso - everyday inspiration:
Everything you can imagine is real.
Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.
There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into sun
The world doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do
Computers are useless.
They can only give you answers.

Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria