"Om" contains everything…
After the lecture and the gymnastic exercises, we returned with the Teacher to the Salon and a conversation opened about the language in general and especially about the sacred language.
The Teacher said:
By the language of the people you can see the degree of their development.
Vowels and consonants have different vibrations in different peoples speech.
The old languages that were involutional were the most painful, and the current evolutionary languages are easier to learn.
Slavic languages are more expressive. We know very little about how speech was formed
Nouns are of new origin, and conjunctions are of oldest origin.
Language began with conjunctions.
Verbs came next, and nouns came last.
When the brain gets sick, a person first forgets nouns, then adjectives, pronouns, verbs, and conjunctions do not disappear.
And when a person begins to mend, the words return again in the same order.
There are several sacred languages spoken by Advanced Beings.
One of these languages is:
It is a language in which you cannot think if you are divided.
With it you see everything good, you don't see dissonance anywhere, everything is beauty for you.
When one comes to Initiation, one will learn a sacred language in which you cannot write or say anything if your thought is not right.
Vatan is a sacred, Divine language, and it is for the Earth; it is a language for the enlightened human beings
Angelic is another;
There are words for the designation of objects, like our languages, but Love permeates it all, and therefore man's consciousness must be raised to the spheres of Love, to be able to understand it and speak it.
To become familiar with the celestial language, one must begin to study the Vatan language, which approaches it to a certain extent.
The sacred language is deep in the soul. Every person has been to the higher worlds, has spoken this language and therefore has it within himself, but we are internally stuffed and cannot speak it.
One of the ancient languages of the White Race is Sanskrit.
In the languages of the White race, there are many words from this language, for example wolf, water, etc.
There are mainly about 250 roots in the language and once you learn them, other words are their derivatives.
The words Jehovah and Eve are from the same root.
In Bulgarian, the female name Yova (Jova) is like Eva (Eve)
One of the strongest words in the old Bulgarian language is the word OM.
It derives from the Ancient word OM.
Om is that which contains everything,
Om is Light - so the word reason is : That which carries the quality of Light.

There are some words that have changed their meaning over time.
Ra. is the rising Sun.
And the word Pa - ra - dise, in its origin, is the place of Light.
Darkness (тъма - BG) has a Sanskrit origin - it comes from the Sanskrit word tamas. In the word. girl (мома), Om is the power, it is a sacred syllable.
All the best in Nature is contained in OM.
The words boy (момче) and home (ДОМ) are rooted in Om.
In the religious old sacred language Om is pronounced as Om and as Aum - both pronunciations are correct.
Today, people are more threatened than ever by the loss of vital energy.
There is no person who does not feel the need for knowledge and techniques of energy stimulation.
It is very foolish not to have access to the means of replenishing our energy deficiency due to ignorance.
Especially we, the Bulgarians, carry inherited energies that are incredible in strength, but most people do not know them.
It has already been proven ( long ago ) true for science that the vibrations of musical tones and sounds in individual words have energy charges of different strength and type.
So, for example, for us Bulgarians, there is a word that directly charges us with powerful positive energy handed down by inheritance.
This is the word ORENDA
ORENDA was the name of the magical power that created a spiritual territory (sarakt) on which the Bulgarian martial spirit was preserved and developed. Our ancestors believed that this mysterious power could even kill a person with just one touch.
The proto-Bulgarian warriors cultivated this divine power through certain practices. The veteran warriors, priests of Tangra, and especially the khan were the focus of this power and knew the secrets of its cultivation and management. Bulgarians believed that the Orenda was transferred from one person to another. This is how the ritual with the cup made of a human skull appeared - it was believed that when the winner drinks from this cup, he takes over the Orenda of the defeated enemy.

…As soon as the consciousness of humanity is raised, a common new (old) language will be reached again
– Attunement of the Soul of a Man
From the archive of Boyan Boev.
Translated and shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria