In a mountain village lived two healers. One was a skilled herbalist. Day and night he diligently studied various diseases, herbs and cures, following his dream of relieving people of pain and suffering. Little was known about the other healer, he was a wise man but very silent.

When people went to him, they mostly found him meditating. And when he was asked why he didn't collect herbs and wasn't interested in various remedies, he always answered:
- I am not very interested in diseases. I want to learn the art of being healthy.
Time passed and the herbalist helped more and more people. His fame spread far beyond the borders of the district and from all over the country people came to him, each with his own pain.
And the other healer still continued to devote a large part of his day to his meditation...
Some of the villagers began to mock him openly.
– What a healer you are! One person you did not heal! You just stand and meditate... And what is the use of this activity of yours anyway?
- I study the art of being healthy - he answered in the same way.
And the satisfied patients of the herbalist over time began to realize that although he helps them, they have to resort to his services more and more often - he delivers them from one disease and a new one appears, cure them of it too, a third one appears…Then some people - some out of curiosity, some with the last hope of healing - decided to ask the "strange" healer as well. But he greeted them with the words:
"Why are you coming to me?" I do not prepare medicines. All I can do for you is teach you to be healthy.
- Teach us! - said the most desperate. - More than anything, we want to be healthy.
- In order to be healthy and forget about the diseases that torment you - the healer said- you must fulfill one very important condition.
Look deep within yourself and see what you will find in your soul. If there is hatred, jealousy, and anger there, if you hold grudges and harbor old grudges, you should know that it is these that are harassing your body. This is what makes you sick.
– And what should we do in such a case? - puzzled the people who wanted to learn.
If you want to remove the bad smell from a room, you open the window and let fresh air in - said the wise healer. – Do the same with your soul. If you find malice and resentment in yourself, let the good into your heart, if there is an offense nested there, give way to forgiveness, if you have accumulated hatred and anger, let love enter.
If you find malice and resentment in yourself, let the goodness into your heart, if there is an offense nested there, give way to forgiveness, if you have accumulated hatred and anger, let love enter.

And so, the first patients who touched the healer's wisdom and advice, gradually began to change, began to eradicate their painful emotions, and with it their health returned. More and more people began to visit him and seek healing from him, and he gladly taught them his lesson on health.
Thus, day by day fewer and fewer people sought the remedies of the herbalist. And the more the fame of the wise healer spread, the more resentful and angry the herbalist became.
– This swindler is lying to you! - he was indignant. - No one can heal without medicine. I have been studying diseases and cures for twenty years! I am the one who can help you!
But one day he himself fell very ill. Tried all his herbs and medicines but nothing helped. Finally, in desperation, he decided to even try the other healer's method, despite the immense hatred he felt for him.
"Here, now I will clear from myself all the negative feelings that are bothering me! '' he said to himself. - I will eradicate them to the bottom, I will destroy them!" But the more he tried to shake the resentment and hatred from his soul, the more he concentrated on them. And his illness deepened even more…
Finally, even more irritated and angry with the other healer, he reached his house with his last strength and shouted from the door:
- Such a liar! What you are teaching people is complete nonsense! Here, I tried to heal myself in your way, but as you can see, my situation is hopeless! And I'll probably die soon...
And the wise healer listened to him, was silent for a while and then quietly said:
You just haven't got my philosophy right.
"To clear your lungs, you need to inhale fresh air, not stop breathing. You have tried to eradicate your destructive feelings, but you have become even more fixated on them. The only way to achieve it is to replace them with love, create good and forgive."
Then the herbalist fell at his rival's feet and wept like a little child.
- Please forgive me. And taught me to be healthy! - he said with all his might.
"One should not heal the body without healing the soul."
– Socrates
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria