If someone tells you that they are the same person and don't change regardless of life's circumstances, don't believe them.
Everyone we meet changes us.
Every event teaches us something.
Every incident gives or takes something away from us. Whether we realize it or not, we humans change.
When you are asked how you survived a severe trial by fate, you can honestly answer: "The person I was before did not survive."

Painting by BG artist Dimitar Bojkov
This is not necessarily a bad thing. When we accept our life as it is - with all the good and bad in it, when we reconcile with fate and achieve harmony with ourselves, then we will certainly achieve some happiness…
"In India they teach The 4 Laws of Spirituality:
The First Law says:
"The person who arrives is the right person", that is, no one enters our life "by accident", all the people around us who interact with us are there for something, to make us learn and move forward in every situation.
The Second Law states:
"What is happening is the only thing that can happen."
Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing that happens to us in life could be otherwise. Even the smallest detail.
There is no: "if I had done such a thing, something else would have happened ...". No.
What happens is the only thing that can happen, and it has to be so that we learn the appropriate lesson and move on.
Every situation in our lives is perfect, although our minds and egos are resistant and unwilling to accept it.
The Third Law says:
"Every moment that begins is the right moment."
Everything starts at the specified time, neither before nor after.
When we are ready for something new to begin in our lives, this is the place and time where it will begin.

And the Fourth Law:
"When something's over, it's over."
Quite simply. If something has ended in our life, it is for our evolution, so it is better to let it go, move on and move forward, already enriched by this experience. I think it is no coincidence that you are reading this if this text has come into your life today. No drop of rain ever falls in the wrong place."
"There comes a time in your life when you get away from all the drama and people who believe in it, you surround yourself with people who make you laugh.
You forget the bad and focus on the good.
Love people who treat you well and pray for those who don't.
Life is too short to be anything but happy.
Falling is part of life, getting up is life again."
Shared with joy
A. A.
Stob, Bulgaria