A 19th century legend says:
Truth and Lie met once…
The Lie greeted the Truth, saying:
"It's a nice day today."
Truth looked around, looked at the sky, and indeed, the day was beautiful.
They walked together for a while until they came to a large well of water.
The Lie dipped hand in the water and turned to the Truth. - Such nice and warm water," she said, " if you want to swim together."
The truth was again suspicious.
She dipped her hand in the water and the water was really nice. The two went swimming for a while, when suddenly the Lie came out of the well, put on the clothes of the Truth and disappeared.
The Truth angrily came out naked, running everywhere, looking for the Lie to get her clothes back.
The world that saw her naked turned their eyes away in shame or anger.
Poor Truth, ashamed, turned to the well and crawled there forever.
Since then, the Lie has been going around the world dressed as the Truth, satisfying the world's needs, and the world in no way wants to see the naked Truth…
If you want to know how to clear the mind, visit a fruit vendor and see what he does. He examines his fruit every day, takes out the rotten ones and throws them aside, leaving only the healthy ones in the baskets or in the boxes. If he does not separate the rotten from the healthy, the latter will also rot. Apply the same method to clearing the mind.
The truth is that you always know the right thing to do.
The tough part is doing it.

In a difficult and very difficult situation, to store a pleasant feeling, according to the Toltecs, it means to be a Hunter of energy.
They know how, when a great difficulty comes into their lives, to secretly smile, greet it and face it honestly and with dignity - such is their Approach: they know they grow from it.
Anxiety is a being devoid of Meaning.
It is the mentality, it is the mind - it will always worry.
Whether your life is arranged - it does not matter, whether you are sitting in a comfortable chair - it does not matter; as long as you are in the mind, you will always worry.
Difficulty is not man's enemy; the difficulty comes in making man his own friend.
Difficulty is not man's enemy, but man can become his own enemy if he does not understand it.
To understand a difficulty is to capture its hidden energy for your development.
Not for the difficulty to steal your energy, but for you to capture it - that's the Energy Hunter."
From "The Toltec Teachings"

Image: Stob village, Bulgaria, the church roof at Sunset
Life begins from that great moment when one realizes and loves the Truth.
Without Truth, no Love can be manifested.
Without Truth no Light and Freedom can manifest.
The truth asks very little, but to stand up to it.
Truth is a method in the Divine economy by which all the wrongs of the past are corrected.
Truth is a force that can separate evil from good and untie the bonds by which a person is bound.
It is the truth that can give knowledge and wisdom and connect man with Divine Love.
It is the truth that gives every Soul that inner fullness that the Soul so needs.
It is only the Truth that brings peace and tranquility to the Soul.
Freedom cannot come without Truth.
Truth leads to the Light of Freedom…
The Holy Trinity of the Divine Energy
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria