"Everything can be accepted and forgiven.
And overpowered.
In the soul.
Inside the soul.
Disasters are in our souls.
And there is the battlefield where they must neutralize the disasters.
With Meaningfulness. Without malice, anger and despair. And wherever it is possible to help - to help, smartly and without a drop of hesitation! This is how one might think of any disaster. Like a saint!
In order not to suffer, do not bet on such losing cards as your body, your life (duration and quality), your health (which is a terribly fragile and uncertain thing), your wealth, or other people (who will always disappoint you anyway!).
You bet on your courage, on the great human ability to overcome everything - and you will be fine.
Heartlessness is a mental illness!
But how to get rid of it?
Can one force elation?
Basically, we are inspired by these moments, minutes and days in which we fight for our primordial rights - for our life, for our freedom, for our health, for our happiness, for love.
For our senses. He who sinks in the quagmire of mediocre satisfaction or dissatisfaction (which is the same) - he has no struggle, he has no elation…"
– Translated from a book by Bulgarian author Kalin Terziyski

Do you think we are witnessing more and more heartless behavior on the part of some people?
And where are the roots and causes of soullessness?
Which is easier - to hate or to love, or to be indifferent and heartless to everything that happens around us? To be empathetic or critical, to blame, to judge, or to be deaf and blind to the emotions and experiences of others, feeling nothing outside of our own persona. Have we asked ourselves the questions why some perceive the world emotionally and others with indifference? Why don't we react equally to the circumstances around us?
What is the correct answer? How to perceive the world, emotionally or indifferently treat it?
Should we consider others or just our personal perception? How - without paying attention to external circumstances, without being moved by the pain or joy of others, to perceive what is happening? At all, is it possible?
Is it possible for us to be only observers, without emotion, as if we have been put under anesthesia, where we feel neither pain, nor joy, nor any sensation?…
Absolutely insensitive to others? Not to care about anyone! To care only about our comfort or at best the comfort of our loved ones….!
And what's wrong with that?!
If I'm emotional, it will be in the first place for me and it will show, and if I'm indifferent, then what's to become of that?!
According to kabbalistic sources, and already according to a large part of modern scientists , it has been established that Nature is a balanced system, with man at the top of the pyramid. Everything that happens on the non-living, plant and animal level depends on man. Every emotion – anger, hatred, love and anything we can think of as a relationship to each other affects the balance ⚖️ in the system.
Unfortunately or not, there are no innocents in maintaining this balance. We are all one whole, a cell of a single organism that has its purpose and purpose. And since we are talking about emotions, including indifference and apathy, we can ask ourselves if the meaning of our existence is not in this- to fight against this narcosis, against this soullessness and this insensitivity, in which we are not concerned about the problems of others because "my problems are enough for me"?
If we think about it and search for our own answers, we humans will inevitably see that we have even set events and annual holidays as such - a holiday of love, a day of goodness, a day of happiness, a day of friendship …and there is no day of hatred and anger or a day of callousness, indifference and soullessness…Why?…
Everyone can answer to themselves…
Shared with joy
A. A.
Stob, Bulgaria