Unsolicited help is a serious esoteric mistake, a violation of an ancient karmic law. There is a reason why there is a reason unknown to us that someone is in trouble, and if that person does not ask for help, he has to take care of himself. To clear his karma. If we interfere, we also change our karma.
The woman knew this ancient law, so the old man sitting under the bridge spoke anxiously.
"I'm so sorry," she said. - I see that you are in temporary difficulty, you happen to want a slice of pizza?
The old man turned to her and smiled, the woman staring into his light blue eyes. "I'll take it," he said, stroking the dog lying next to him. - I personally do not need anything, but my friend has not eaten for two days, and in this cold he will need energy.
"I'm glad it'll work," the woman smiled with relief and handed the pizza to the homeless man.
- You see, I work in a diner place, and my boss, who by the way is not a bad person and hired me at a difficult time for me, does not want to sell old food the next day. His idea is not to do more than necessary, but accidentally if there is something left to give it to someone in need. It's not good to throw away food. It's not good, of course - the blue-eyed old man kept smiling. - Thanks for the kind gesture.
- I'm finishing at seven again tomorrow, if there's anything left to pass, you will be here? - the woman asked as she left.
"It's okay," the homeless man replied. - Other unfortunates are hanging out here, and I am convinced that they will be grateful.

The next evening, a shabby woman came to the same spot under the bridge…
The young woman was happy, this time she had all the bread left, she divided it evenly. The old man gave his share to the dog again.
The next day, when she was left alone for the second shift at the diner place, the young woman made a large pepperoni pizza with the clear awareness that in this cold it is unlikely that any customer will turn. She guessed, she had four pieces left, which was more than good. Three homeless people were already waiting for her under the bridge, as well as a hungry dog, her friend…
The young woman handed out the pieces and stayed to watch them eat, after all she had no social life, only the empty and cold room she had rented when she moved into the big city.
She was lost in thought when she heard the old man's voice.
"Something's bothering you," he told her softly, looking at her with his sky-blue eyes. -Do you want to share about your troubles?
"No," the young woman replied. - You have enough problems here, you don't need mine either.
"Sometimes even pouring out grief helps," the old man insisted. -And I can feel in your eyes that you haven't poured it for a long time, and it's not good for the bitterness to stay in you for a long time, it poisons you. You know, I guess your body reacts to your negative thoughts, your low vibration. Accept your conversation with me as a kind of treatment, get rid of your burden and keep your mental health, and hence your physical. Because I'm sure someone is counting on you.
- Aren't you risking the food you bring to us? the blue-eyed old man asked. - I see more to me than just the remaining food.
"I'm doing something on top," the young woman smiled. -When I come here and see how people look at me, their hands…I can't disappoint them.
"You're doing well," the old man shook his head. - There is no wind here under the bridge, that's why everyone comes to this place. And now for the food. You can read a man. A good future awaits you.
- Not sure about this - the young woman replied.
- Think positive, that's all I can advise you.
- It can't happen, because I haven't seen my daughter in months. My husband doesn't even let her talk to me. I fall asleep crying every night. I work hard enough to pay my rent. The only good things that happen to me are here, under this bridge. Two or three smiles a day, that's my profit of the day. And from time to time one thank you… Thank you from a middle-aged man who talks to himself. I'm not even sure he's telling me "thank you"...
Gratitude is a strong message. Have faith - said the old man quietly: once again she looked into his sky-blue eyes and for a deceptive moment believed him.
That night, for a very first time in a long long time, she fell asleep without crying.
The following week, a man with a hood over his head joined the small group of homeless people. When the young woman began handing out snacks from the two bags full of food, the stranger raised his head and the young woman's heart skipped a beat. Opposite her stood the owner of the diner place, the man she was stealing all this food from…
"Come," he waved at her, "we need to talk."
He pulled her aside, sighed, shook his head regretfully, but still said firmly.
- You're fired.
The young woman stood silent.
- I also want the money for all this food. I don't know where you will find it, but I will take you to court for it.
The young woman did not sleep that night. She was wide awake in bed until morning, unable to find a place to hide her worries. She was losing her daughter, losing her job, and now she owed money…
Faith, the old man had told her, you need faith. Faith, because you do the right thing. Faith, because you are trying to be human in wolf times. Such a simple thing, and so difficult…
Faith!!! - came the strange old man's words in her head." You don't need anything else. "
The blue-eyed old man, who wanted nothing, whose place was clearly not there, under the bridge, he was too intelligent, too sophisticated. How many homeless people talk about faith?
How many of them ask how are you?
How ready are they to hear about YOUR problems?
Crazy works of the unknown…
They were waiting for her under the bridge again, of course. She bought them something with her last money, leaving only money for a ticket to go back to her little town.
The dog was happy, but the old man was gone.
- Where's the old gentleman? - The young woman asked.
- Which elderly gentleman? - The shabby woman wondered.
- The old man… who was with this dog …
"The dog is homeless, just like us," the shabby woman sighed.
"When I first saw you," the young woman insisted, "it was you, the dog, and an old man with white hair and blue eyes." Light blue.
"When we saw each other," the shabby woman replied, "you were talking to the dog." - And you fed the poor creature. I decided that maybe there was food for me too…
The homeless woman just shrugged helplessly. Neither she nor anyone else knew what it was all about.
There was simply no such old man.
The sun had blown away the clouds that day, people had bloom the streets to enjoy the good weather, the wind had stopped and the day was getting warmer. And the young woman looked up before boarding the train home. The sky had turned light blue, just like those eyes she had believed in a few days ago.
The universe seemed to be smiling at her…
The Last Supper, 1495-1498

When Leonardo da Vinci painted The Last Supper, he attached special importance to two figures: Christ and Judas. For a very long time he could not find images from which to draw these figures.
He finally managed to find a model for the image of Christ among young singers. Leonardo failed to find images of Judas for three years.
Until one day he came across a drunk lying in a ditch in the street. He was a young man, old from heavy drinking. Leonardo invited him to a tavern, where he immediately began to paint Judas from him.
When the drunk came to his senses, he told the artist that he has posed for him once. It was a few years ago when he sang in the church choir, and Leonardo painted him as Christ….
Shared with joy,
A. A.
Stob, Bulgaria