The Handcuff HORO (Rachenitza) dance is 80 times stronger than morphine!
Bulgaria is the only country in the world that has 40 unequal beats.
And by tapping the earth with our feet to a given beat, we not only raise the vibrations of the Earth, but also heal our organs.
HORO(хоро) dance is the people's dance (people = хора )
Each Horo dance is responsible for a certain organ, and we don't have to go to yoga, twist our bodies in numerous exercises, suck knots, unclog our chakras and meditate - we simply HORO dance.
The Gankino Horo dance heals the colon, the Haidushko Horo tones the heart and the lymphatic system – this dance also works in the frequency of love.
And as we know, they (whoever they are) keep us in constant fear of news, diseases, disasters, hell, economic crisis, war, hunger… A constant fear of something. But diving in such constant fear of anything …This is how we give ourselves the energy of darkness…
But …When a person feels love, it vibrates at 50 hertz, 150 hertz is unconditional love (for example, from a mother to a child), 205 hertz is self-sacrificing love.
It is so simple… dancing with people raises the vibrations of love, it works where the lymphatic system is.
The Rachenitza HORO also has a very important function, because when we dance it, endorphins are released, which is pain-relieving and yes - 80 times stronger than morphine.
We don't have to do anything but dance with each other and sing each other's mantra-songs with simple melodic lines and repetitive characters with one only reason - what we repeat in love - we project in life …

Many many centuries of HORO dancing. The ancient Greeks named it (χορός, хорос - meaning: of the people) The Bulgarian HORO dance is a dance in which the participants form a circle or a straight line while holding hands. They perform special steps - jumping, jumping, crossing legs, passing forward, passing backward. The Horo dance is unique with its wide variety of rhythms, they can be from 2/4, to the more complex 5/8, 7/8, 9/16, 11/16 and even reaches 12/16, 13/16, 15/16. Therefore, performing Horo is not easy and requires certain skills that are often developed in childhood.
According to some people, the Bulgarian dance dates back to the time of the Thracian tribes in 3000. BC, others believe that uneven strokes were characteristic of the semi-nomadic proto-Bulgarians…
All of these dances are passed to generations like a spiritual genetic code, a code that projects a healthy mind/body/people symbiosis sound/beat/togetherness… Each season has its own dance, each region has its own unequal beats and sounds, each region has its own… but all of them have the generic origin of the Love frequency…
So …let's dance more and fear less 🌞😊
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria