The rose is the only thing you can take with you to the afterlife, because it is not of this world." (Persian wisdom)

A brief historical background shows that this fragrance was known and preferred thousands of years back in time.
There are reports that many years ago several civilizations used rose water in their spiritual rituals and procedures [ref.2].
Rose water is mentioned in the ancient medical texts of countries such as China, India, Persia, Assyria, Egypt, Greece and Rome.
An interesting suggestion in this regard comes from Ancient Egypt; Cleopatra used rose oil as an aphrodisiac about 3,000 years ago. She loved to bathe in a bath with rose petals and milk.
Ancient civilizations such as Babylonia are believed to have used rose oil and rose water in their medicines and rituals.
At the same time in India they were used in royal kitchens for the needs of the royal family.
Ancient Rome revered rose water for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. They preferred it both for washing the hands and for bathing the body.
In the Middle Ages, rose water was used to overcome stress and depression, to release tension and anxiety. Even today, rose water is used for many purposes in every household, including personal care.
The extraction of the essential oil from the flowers began around the 7th century AD. In Iran, as Rosa damascena was brought to Europe later and successfully cultivated in European countries.
Today, Bulgaria and Turkey are the main producers of Rosa damascena essential oil in the world, and Bulgarian R.damascena oil is best known and revered as "liquid gold".
There is evidence that the Rosaceae family is an ancient plant. Rose fossils have been found in America and date back nearly 30 million years.
Rose water is used in cosmetic care by many women and rightly so. It provides a wide range of benefits for the skin. Rose water is a very good skin cleanser and protects it from bacterial infections. It is also a wonderful toner as it tones the skin and helps to remove impurities, traces of make-up and oily secretions that we naturally produce.
Rose water can also relieve and soothe sunburns and wounds, and the risk of allergic reactions is practically nil. Rose water also helps stimulate circulation in the skin and reduces varicose veins. Equally important, rose water helps maintain the skin's pH balance, which is extremely important for its long-term health and has a soothing effect on acne and eczema.
Rose water is very effective in soothing tired and strained eyes, and such a problem is increasingly common in today's digital world where we are all in front of "smart" screens. It is good for those people who spend long hours in front of a computer for work to try the power of rose water to relieve eye strain. Applying rose water to the eyes, for example using a cotton pad, gives a glow to the delicate skin in this area and relieves them of tension.
Drinking rose water can also help reduce symptoms of bloating and "irregular stomach." It is known to improve digestion by increasing bile flow and may also act as a laxative, improving intestinal motility. Therefore, rose water can also be taken for constipation.
The main benefits of rose water are that it has a wonderful aroma, can help with anxiety and depression, and has powerful antiseptic properties that can help prevent and treat infections.
And another advantage is the ease with which it can be prepared at home.
Recipe for organic rose water
All you need is 4-5 flowers of fragrant organic roses, water and a few ice cubes.
Remove the pink blossoms from the stems and rinse them carefully to remove impurities. Place a bowl in the center of an empty pot, then add the rose petals in the bowl. Add water (enough to cover the petals) and heat to a simmer. Place the lid upside down - this will help trap the pink water vapor for this distillation method.
Add ice to the top of the pot lid. As soon as the ice melts, add more ice cubes. This helps to condense the evaporated rose water. Keep repeating this step.
After about 30 minutes, the rose water will be ready. It should have condensed in the bowl you placed in the middle of the pot. Pour the rose water into a clean glass container. Store in a cool, dry place to keep it lovely and intact.
It is important to follow a few guidelines when selecting roses - you can use any kind of rose petals to make rose water, but first make sure the petals meet these requirements:
Organically grown or pesticide free - you don't want to use roses that have taken harmful chemicals on them. Most roses are grown to be placed in vases, not distilled for oral consumption. So if you buy from a flower or farmer's market, make sure that no pesticides were used in growing them.
Do not grow the roses you want for your rose water near a road - flowers that are grown near a street will absorb additional pollution and should not be consumed.

Rose water is such a gift from nature that can do wonders for the skin. It is no coincidence that rose water is used as an ingredient in many cosmetic products due to its refreshing aroma and beneficial properties for the skin. It has a toning and soothing effect, nourishes and maintains the youthful appearance of the skin and protects it from damage.
Here are the steps you need to follow to make your own "for my skin" rose water:
Collect some fresh rose petals early in the morning after sunrise.
Wash the petals thoroughly with clean water.
Place the petals in a large pot of distilled water (must be distilled).
Pour enough water to cover the petals.
The pot is covered with a lid and left on low heat.
You wait for the water to steam until it turns the color of rose petals.
You strain the water, let it cool and then store in a suitable glass container.
You can add rose water to the rituals you give yourself daily for more health, calmness and vitality by selecting a few ideas in the following list:
Toner - just add a little to a cotton pad and gently apply to a clean face
Elixir - add rose water to a spray bottle to revitalize dull skin for a fresher look
Eye mask - soak a cotton pad in chilled rose water and place on the eyelids
Drinking rose water - can help with a healthy and balanced gut and fight pathogens.
One thing's for sure: rose water is the beauty secret that many women swear by for clear, beautiful skin, but rose water is multi-faceted and is also beneficial for what we carry inside us beneath the surface….And yes, a single flower can allow us to express our feelings without a word being spoken and that is the rose.
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria