Today, over 400 million Bulgarians live in the world, unofficially there are perhaps over a billion with Bulgarian blood. Only God knows.
Bokharite is the ancient alphabet of the Bokharis/Bulgarians.
All the letters in it are proto BULGARIAN.
In the late history yet in the beginning of IX th century Constantine added 6 new evolutionary letters, and Methodius restored the old alphabet from the ashes, because most of it was persecuted and burned by Rome and Byzantium.
This ancient alphabet predates the Hebrew alphabet.
Our "Cyrillic" is our Bokharitsa.
It is the most ancient occult alphabet on earth and belongs to the most ancient occult people - the Bulgarians.
Before Constantine and Methodius replaced X and K with G, our countries were called Bokhara, Balkhara, Balkh, Bolk, later Bolg.
The Bokhar alphabet is the alphabet of the Copts, who are a Bokhar tribe. To this day they live in Egypt and speak ancient Bokhar/Bulgarian, which any of us can understand.
These 20 years through which historical sources say that Cyril and Methodius traveled, 10 spent time in the monastery of St. Catherine in Egypt, where they got acquainted with the ancient Bulgarian alphabet Boharitsa - of the most ancient people, the Bokharis/Bulgarians.
In the place of Egypt, there was once an ancient Bulgarian state of Bokhara. The Greeks contemptuously call them Thracians, but they call themselves Bulgarians/Boharis.
Boharis were the most numerous nation after the Indian. Over 100 tribes, all of whom speak dialects of Bulgarian.
To this day, a fair-faced, blue-eyed Aryan tribe from the ancient Bulgarian state of Balhara lives in the northern part of India.
According to the Indian ambassador, 300 million people of this origin live in India today.
Bulgarians, who for 10,000 years have written that they are Bulgarians by origin.
The Divine Bokhara alphabet had 48 runes/letters/embroideries.
From it, the Latins took 26 and created the Latin, the Greeks took 23, but subsequently banned the Bocharica in order to impose their alphabets.
But because of their ignorance of the secret mysteries they took just the most mundane/easy runes/letters.
The so-called “The Cyrillic alphabet” was taken out of the ashes by the two “archangels” Constantine and Methodius, in order to restore the connection with “Heaven”.
Sox evolutionary letters were added, which are DIVINE LETTERS - THE THREE ERA - ѣ, ъ, ь which are only in our alphabet and three more Divine runes with the most powerful vibrations, which are again forbidden today.

When Constantine and Methodius brought the Bokharica alphabet to “the Pope” around 855 AD, he himself was in shock because he was expecting a completely new alphabet, not that “terrible alphabet in which the Bulgarians talk to God and materialize their wishes.”
The Pope first blessed the "new alphabet", gave a new name to Constantine - Cyril, but on the 50th day of the stay of the two brothers in Rome, Cyril was strangled in his monk cell while he was sleeping, and his brother and their students, who were above 250 were expelled, persecuted, killed, so that only 7 of them remained, who returned to Bulgaria.
Prince Boris the First at the time and the two brothers were though cousins from the old Dulo family.
They wanted to return the written language to the Bulgarian tribes around the world and despite the persecutions they succeeded.
Prince Boris the First built over 10,000 churches and monasteries to house the books.
In 7 years, 42,000 monks were trained and over 250,000 books were written with his royal sponsorship.
When, at the Preslav Council, the newly pronounced Emperor Boris placed his second son Simeon on the throne, in one day all these 10,000 temples were opened, the Greeks were expelled from the Bulgarian lands, and Simeon the young king was forced 40 years. to wage wars.
The two empires do not so easily forgive such "deviations from the right path" imposed by them.
Today 300,000 millions use Bokharitsa/ Kirilitsa.
Of all the remaining students, Kliment Ohridski used only the bocharica, today it is said that he invented it and called it Cyrillic.
He does not use the other alphabets in his school. Only after 200 years, the Asenevs - Asen, Petar, Jovanitsa (Kaloyan), and later Tsar Ivan Asen II (all from the Dulo family) managed to impose Bokharica/Cyrillic as a national doctrine at the cost of many struggles and sacrifices.
All the boyars, voivodes around them were Bogomils, guardians of pure spirit and the mother tongue in which Christ spoke - Bokhara.
Messiah / mesi/ mizi. He is from the Mizzies, that is why He is “the Messiah”.
The first Bible was not written in Hebrew or Greek, but in Bokhara - the Besika Bible (Beshoy Bible), of the Besi tribe.
To this day, it is kept, but it is not spread and not much is known about it by the common people.

The Bulgarian language is autochthonous, that is, it is a language that has long been transformed from a construction of syntheticity to analyticality, evolving thousands of years ago, and its journey began before the emergence of Old Great Bulgaria. Nowhere among the nations with which he came in contact did he ever undergo a change, on the contrary.
Thousands of years before Christ, only the Thracians had an analytical form without cases, as it is in the Bulgarian language, so their common, initial, chronological and semantic linguistic "relationship" is indeed very probable.
The Bulgarian language is a precedent in language evolution, throughout the history of mankind, because it is a spectacular linguistic, linguistic and causal revolution of its kind!
All the world's linguistic experts know that there is one single factor that unwaveringly and absolutely reliably provides information about the fate of a nation - its language!
The historical sources, the inscriptions, the archaeological artifacts - all these can be stolen, forged and manipulated, but not the language!
Translated from historical sources &
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria