Once upon a time... there was a King.

He had three sons. One was married, the other engaged, the third unmarried.
When the King felt his power was leaving him he called his sons and said to them:
- I have heard that in a distant land, in the realm of a wonderful beauty, living water springs.
If anyone washes himself of this water, if he is young, he does not grow old; if he is old, he will rejuvenate; if he is sick, he will recover. Whoever of you brings me living water will reign in my place...
The three sons went in search of living water...
Many legends tell of the magic power of the living water. The Water of Life.
And there is truth in all of them that is almost forgoten.
Once upon a time... ( not long time ago) when up the mountain for my daily walk with my local village friend, he said: get the bottles and fill them from the living water spring, it is the best living water here.
Wow, it has been since my childhood no one ever said a thing about the living water and I no longer read fairy tales, at least not often.
We all know how important is to drink water.
Water is life ...average 60% in our bodies is water...
And I kneeled before the spring and filled my bottle with the living water and drank to the bottom of the bottle...just in one go.
My friend was laughing at me: You drink like you`ve never drank mountain water before, he said .
Yes, it is sweet. It is mild and sweet; He was laughing even harder: of course it is, he said .
It is fresh from the spring and the water here is soft, much softer then the other you have in the town. Here every water tastes different, he said.
But where does the tap water come from?
Not from this spring? From the other springs in the mountain? The curiosity took over and the decision was made: Explore the mountain springs and the water around.
And what is the amazement when we tasted the water from more then 10 springs in the same mountain and each water had different taste ? And the water from each spring had a different feeling inside.
One was light, another leaving a heavier feeling but all of them had different sweetness and richness.
I never reflected on the greatness of the water before. Have you?
Every water has different properties and different mineral content therefore is absolutely natural to have different taste and feel when we drink. And when we drink the living water the feeling is of Life bubbling inside the body and it quenches the thirst so quick.
But we can not have it fresh from the spring unless we kneel and drink from the spring ...drink Life.
Did you know there is a Dead Water too?
We have heard that water is essential for health. But why is this so? In addition to making up the majority of our body weight, water is involved in many important functions, such as regulating body temperature, helping our brain function and regulating metabolism. We take water in the form of liquids, but food also contributes a small amount to our daily water intake. That is why it is important to know more about the water we drink.
What do we need to know about the water we drink?
We usually take water from our water supply system or provide it by filtering it with different water filters. But drinking tap water carries many risks, unless it is filtered - then it is even better than bottled.
Tap water is safe in many places, but that doesn't mean it's everywhere. The risks posed by tap water are not small. In fact, depending on where you live, you can take in a lot of bacteria, chemicals and debris that float in the water system along with the water you drink.
Why do we need to drink enough water a day?
Here are some reasons why our body needs water:
1. Water forms saliva
Saliva helps us digest food and keep our mouth, nose and eyes moist. Drinking water also keeps our mouths clean. Consuming water instead of sugary drinks can reduce the development of tooth decay.
2. Water delivers oxygen throughout our body
Blood is more than 90% water, and blood carries oxygen to various parts of the body.
3. Water improves our skin
With dehydration, the skin can become more vulnerable to skin conditions and premature wrinkles.
4. Water helps the brain work better
Dehydration can affect the structure and function of the brain. Water is also involved in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters. Prolonged dehydration can lead to problems with thinking and reasoning.
5. Regulates body temperature
The water contained in the middle layers of the skin comes out on the surface of the skin like sweat when the body heats up. When it evaporates, respectively - it cools the body.
Now that we know all this , we have to know - yes - there is a Dead water too....
Dead water
It has a characteristic slightly sour taste and smell, has a strong disinfectant effect. Acidic water also has the ability to slow down biological processes, which is why its property is used to lower blood pressure, improve sleep, calm the nervous system.
Living water
It is odorless, very soft and with an alkaline taste. Unlike dead water, living water has the ability to accelerate processes in the body. It has a tonic effect, raises blood pressure, speeds up metabolism, increases appetite, improves concentration, strengthens the immune system, treats headaches.
How does polluted water affect the body?
Dird you probably already know that. But do you know what polluted water can actually cause you? Among the most common hazards of contaminated water are vomiting or diarrhea; sick stomach; skin rashes; cancer (some cancers such as leukemia can occur after drinking bad water for a long period of time); reproductive problems (some types of reproductive problems, such as infertility, can occur after drinking contaminated water for a long period of time). Nitrates in contaminated water can harm babies. What can contaminate water? When there are bacteria, nitrates, herbicides, etc. in the water, it is polluted.
Many people drink water from plastic bottles or filtered water but it is so easy and much more healthier to try this:
How to make living water at home?
You can easily make living water at home. Put tap water in a container in the freezer for 4-5 hours. This will freeze the water. You will notice that only part of the water will freeze, not all. The one that is not frozen - throw it away. The rest of the water is living water.
Taste it, feel it and don`t forget to thank the Water for the Life
Stob, Bulgaria