What are the health benefits of gardening, even if it is only on the balcony at home? How gardening can be therapeutic and help us deal with stress. Here a little bit more about Gardening as therapy.
When we talk about gardening, you don't necessarily have to have half an acre of land in the village or a garden in front of the block. It's about gardening as an idea. You can do this natural therapy even on the terrace at home, starting with the creation of your flower or herb garden.

More and more people live in cities and lose touch with nature. Locked in apartments, spending all day in the city environment, people feel tired, oppressed and even depressed. Therefore, many therapists recommend gardening as a way for a person to rediscover connection with nature, find time for oneself, relax, and at the same time feel not only health benefits but the soul benefits too.
Gardening for stress management
Studies show that gardening reduces levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. The attention that a person gives to plants helps to forget about his everyday problems. Gardening, of course, does not only mean planting plants, but also caring for them - watering, cleaning, etc. Gardening boosts the immune system Soil contains many different bacteria and microorganisms. It is believed that contact with them increases the immune forces of the body, especially in younger children.
Gardening as exercise
It may not seem like it, but the truth is that gardening (even on the terrace at home) is quite a physically demanding activity. However, if you take care of a garden in the village or in front of the block, the physical efforts are even greater. 3 hours of active gardening equals 1 hour of gym training.

Soil - a natural antidepressant
Few people know, but soil contains a natural anti-depressant called Mycobacterium vaccae, which increases cytokine levels, which increases the production of serotonin, the happy hormone.
Gardening for health and a happy life
Growing your own fruits, vegetables and/or spices will automatically make your life healthier. In addition, growing food makes us think more often about what we eat.
Growing and caring for flowers makes us happier, brings color and variety to the boring and gray everyday life. Seeing the flowers grow and blossom is therapeutic in itself.
How to invite nature home?
All is well when it comes to natural therapy. But it's a fact that you can't magically transport yourself to the forest, the mountains or the seaside if you live and work in the city. Therefore, you can bring nature home. Here are some ideas: Create a floral oasis for yourself - flowers not only purify the air from toxins, but also reduce stress. People who grow flowers have been shown to be more compassionate, caring and build stronger relationships with others. Change the home decor by adding paintings and photographs of natural landmarks and landscapes. Add a mini fountain on the balcony. The sounds of running water have been shown to reduce stress levels.
Garden with your bare hands
Gardening is a therapeutic activity itself, but it's also a way to ground yourself.
Feel the soil between your fingers, pay attention to the feeling of the coolness of your fingers, to the shapes of the roots of the plants, to the aromas…
Some researchers believe that the earth connects all living cells through a living matrix held together by electrical conduction. This is similar to the role of antioxidants as an immune defense system that restores the body's natural immunity by binding to the matrix. Also a significant amount of energy we actually receive from the soil (the Mother Earth).
The best thing is - you are co creating together with all the Nature forces.
Shared with joy
A. A
Stob, Bulgaria